NEWS Ontario

Holy busy for me:kitty:, snowed a few days ago ( it will melt) but people have gone nutz:hothot: with their snow tires so got to make the money well i can. wheels come off the works follows and people are fixing everything like they are going to drive away from the virus. We'll be busy next 2 months then back to normal. Betwwen trimming, burbing, and making edibles i've been a busy busy guy. Started my indoor grow too, bugged bombed grow rooms and did residue spray in basment few weeks ago. Will start with 4 photo plants for clones and 6 autos for fun.
Photo plants; Grizzly Purple, MK Ultra, Fruity Chronic juice, Critical Nevilles Haze
Auto plants: MKUltra, Bloody Skunk, Sucker Punch, Blue Dream'matic, Bruce Banner, Gorilla Glue#4
New Lights :yay:
Got two new ts3000 mars hydro lights, I'll be cloning this week end , very excite to finally have a dimmer switch instead of moving plants around.

Pure power plant, Mk Ultra, Mk Ultra&bubblegum, Purple Grizzly Kush(2), Fruity Chronic Juice
Nice setup...I just ordered a lightrail 5.0 minutes ago, capable of moving 3 lights side by side at once, its going over my 8x12..I'll save on energy costs and prevent light bleaching from the CMH's intensity.
Its always nice to get some new gear in the ventilation going in tomorrow...I can't wait to get this room dialed in and get to back to pheno hunting.
Nice setup...I just ordered a lightrail 5.0 minutes ago, capable of moving 3 lights side by side at once, its going over my 8x12..I'll save on energy costs and prevent light bleaching from the CMH's intensity.
Its always nice to get some new gear in the ventilation going in tomorrow...I can't wait to get this room dialed in and get to back to pheno hunting.
sweet mate, you got any pic's. loved to see. sometimes the building is as fun as the growing.
Any experience growing low height strains?
That's my deal. The first thing I grew was Royal Dwarf (from Royal Queen Seeds, which I got from True North Seed Bank). Only got to be 18" (no nutes). My SiL said it was his favourite strain so I grew it again for him and gave it nutes every time I watered it and it got to be a bit over 2'. Yield was 2 ounces. Pretty good for a bedroom closet!
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The new Ontario Lic. plate;
I'm pretty sure that the premier of Ontario is telling me to grow my weed and he didn't say how many either. If he wanted me to grow only 4 he would have put that on the plate " A PLACE TO GROW 4" but he didn't. I think he wants me to MAKE ONTARIO GREAT AGAIN by growing many many plants, book it.
Looks more like "All Bout Cannabis Dude" and 123 plants......
The sad fact is, TNSB no longer sells Royal Queen's Royal Dwarf! So I went to Royal Queen's site and they don't sell and ship to Canada! Legal Canada! Yet they do ship to (and out of) the U.S.! Both seed purveyors note that Royal Dwarf is very similar to Easy Bud, which I'll have to try sometime.