New Grower on the look out for a small auto feminized

Apr 2, 2015
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hi guys & girls. im currently growing a critical cheese 100% feminized auto and its to big for my grow room, does anyone know of some small auto fems that will not get above 80cm height? possibly a average to high yield for the size, ive seen so many but your comments would be most important to help me choose, the seed banks are not always on the money with the height or the flowering time ect.

many thankyou's

stevie ..

You can very much control the overall size of the plant by the size of the container you have it growing it. Something in a 1 gallon or so container should be able to be kept well under 80cm(800mm)/32inches.
Check out some of the Mephisto strains, they have got some nice shorter to medium plants that yield nice for the size and grow beautifuly, Sour Crack, 24 Carat and Toof Decay jump to mind, check out the site the size estimates are pretty spot on and get a nice load of freebies.

You can very much control the overall size of the plant by the size of the container you have it growing it. Something in a 1 gallon or so container should be able to be kept well under 80cm(800mm)/32inches.
hi hotbunz im using a 1 gal now and its at 110 cm lol, and im root bound big time,i left it to late to lst the main stem but i managed to bend the top 5" on the main bud site, im lucky this time i think but i dnt want to go through that again.. :slaps:
Check out some of the Mephisto strains, they have got some nice shorter to medium plants that yield nice for the size and grow beautifuly, Sour Crack, 24 Carat and Toof Decay jump to mind, check out the site the size estimates are pretty spot on and get a nice load of freebies.
ty spanglish ill take a peek now :Cool bud:
Check out some of the Mephisto strains, they have got some nice shorter to medium plants that yield nice for the size and grow beautifuly, Sour Crack, 24 Carat and Toof Decay jump to mind, check out the site the size estimates are pretty spot on and get a nice load of freebies.
toof decay looks nice but it doesnt mention 100% fem or did i miss that out lol
sometimes i spend days away working so i leave it to my other half to water ect... but she cudnt tell her a**e from her elbow so if it was a male she wudnt av a clue and that would mean a kick up the bum from me for turning my plants in to fellas lol, thats why its a must for a 100%nfem
lol know what you mean, i had my misses 80 year old father watering the plants for two weeks last year.

Yeah everything on the site are 100% fem, they dont sell any reg beans.
lol know what you mean, i had my misses 80 year old father watering the plants for two weeks last year.

Yeah everything on the site are 100% fem, they dont sell any reg beans. going to order a few beans tomorrow then, thnx again for the help....... :Hookah: