New Grower OMG it's working! When do I need to fertilize?

Feb 23, 2015
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I can't believe it! After a very rocky start, all of a sudden my plants have kicked into high gear and I have stuff happening! I originally had my doubts because the seeds took like a week to germinate, and then when they finally sprouted they were pathetic looking mutants.

I think my ugly plant problems were caused by nute burn. I planted them in a 50/50 Pro Mix and Ocean Forest mix. But now, my pathetic little buddies have shot up almost 6 inches in about 4 days and are starting to show multiple bud-cola things! I feel like a new parent.

Since my original mix was so hot, I am worried about fertilizing further. it has been a month since I planted, and I was told that was when I needed to start with the ferts. Is there a positive sign I can look for as a signal to go ahead and start, so I won't burn the little guys? Does the soil have enough nutrients to see this to the end without ever adding any ferts?
Can you post some pictures?It probably would help if you feed them with half dose of veg nutes.If your veg nutes don't contain any calcium or magniesium I would also start giving them some added cal/mag.
here you go. You can see some of the messed up leaves from the start. Don't mind the veggies in the background. Seemed like a dumb idea to waste growing space. made a good salad.

She is definitely underfed. Give her 1/2 strength veg feed and some cal/mag and she should perk right up for ya!
Looks like a boy plant to me. Post a close-up. Boys go in the trash can..
Unless you want to do a seed run. But if you just want usable meds you may want to take that plant far far away. Please post a close up so we all can be sure.
CRAP I think they might be. I thought these were feminized!. Two of these appear to be male, from what the internet tells me. Is it too late? have they messed up my other plants? IMG_20150324_233824.jpg