oh no its all going wrong !

Probably a nutrient lockout. What's your pH reading?
Im in soil and was not ph-ing what was going in as I assumed the soil would buffer it. noticed red stems and brown spots on lower fans so went out and bought a decent meter ... my runoff was 5 ! so I flushed her with .ph6.8 water and got runoff to 6.2 ... next morning the leaf in the pic had dark patches which have now gone yellowish
The low pH was your problem. Red stems are often an indication that P is being locked out. How old are your plants, what have you been feeding them and at what strength?
she is 6 weeks from seed on Thursday ... was feeding half strength tomato feed at npk 4-4.5-8 but was told it was too strong for her so I have some atam bloom 2-2-4 and blackstrap mollases
Probably finishing up veg at 6 weeks and going into full flowering. Those were the wrong nutrients for veg. Next time use something with a higher N value, like an 8,4,4 or something similar.

When they dried out and ready for their next feeding, I'd suggest 1/2 strength with the Atami, pHed to around 6.5. Capture and test the run off again and see where you're at.
Must have been the mollases that made the ph drop and all the p I had been adding with the tomatorite was not being used, hence the yellowing of the fan leaves as the plant steals the p to make its flowers with then when I buy a decent .ph meter and sort my .ph out the plant gets too much p and burns up... I obviously didn't get all the nutes out during my flush
it's funny how you can read read read and read up on a subject yet you only really learn anything when you actually have a problem
Yep, nothing like first hand experience.