Oh no. I hope it's not what I think.


Indeed it is my 1st grow. Also have a Samsquanch OG from Mephisto in the same tent. I do have a jewelers loupe.
I'd say Blueberry is a week or two behind that one
Sounds like you got her under control man. Keep it up. Anything I grew meph don’t disappoint frosty af and they all smell dank and get you ripped.
Next time you start a seed document it on here update once a week and get final harvest after dry weight and you can get i. The cultivars club. All sorts of awesome benifits. You get to test seeds and products for free for grow journals. And show off all your skills and learn new ones. Youd be a great addition.
Sounds like you got her under control man. Keep it up. Anything I grew meph don’t disappoint frosty af and they all smell dank and get you ripped.

Here is the Samsquanch. How much longer do you think I should give her. I was thinking maybe by the weekend...
Next time you start a seed document it on here update once a week and get final harvest after dry weight and you can get i. The cultivars club. All sorts of awesome benifits. You get to test seeds and products for free for grow journals. And show off all your skills and learn new ones. Youd be a great addition.

I do have a journal. Kinda messy. Not much info. Mainly just posted pics weekly.
I do have a journal. Kinda messy. Not much info. Mainly just posted pics weekly.
dude just keep posting till chop and after they or even one if you cut it earlier post the dry weight on a scale pictured. And you tag 420forever or I. CAn even for you if you tag me and I dont see why you wont get. Keep posting on the main journal. Not here.
dude just keep posting till chop and after they or even one if you cut it earlier post the dry weight on a scale pictured. And you tag 420forever or I. CAn even for you if you tag me and I dont see why you wont get. Keep posting on the main journal. Not here.

Is there a template or something for the journals to post nutes, plant height, ect.?
Yeah, I guess. I would be easier to keep a more detailed log.
I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions.
Yeah, I guess. I would be easier to keep a more detailed log.
I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions.
no problem man. I enjoy it. And this is the best site to get the info you need. And to show off your skills. You could probably come up with one yourself exactly how you want it and copy and paste it with your new updates. Thats the beat advice i could give you for it. There might be one you could copy off the internet if you google it. :shrug: