Indoor Oh man Have I screwed up or what? Burnt weed going cheap!


Finding a Replacement for the painkillers we use
Oct 29, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Don't smoke.......First grow = Burple bud Fem and Super Skunk auto
Ever seen a grown man cry?

I still can't believe what I have just done. I deserve to be shot at dawn.

In a nutshell:- I started my grow of nine plants last june. After many mistakes I at least managed to get 14 Litre sized jars full of lovely dried and cured buds (4 were trimmings actually but good stuff all the same).

Tonight, I ground in my coffee grinder my much loved and cared for budds ready for the oven as I am making edibles and tintures. 8 months ago I started this and I spent a fortune in the process, not to mention many sleepless nights. So tonight was the big night, tonight I will decarboxylate my precious budds in the oven. ......I have to make this short as I am so pissed off I can hardly think straight. I pre-heated the oven to 230 and when eventually the light went out I slid my four trays of superlative, georgeous, ground weed in, and shut the oven door. 50 minutes at 250 all the good web sights agree on so here we go!

SUDDENLY. Alarm bells and smoke alarms are going off like crazy and I open the kitchen door to be greeted by a solid, thick, wall of smoke! I scrambled to the oven and opened the door and the flames just about fried my hair (what there is of it left). That was an hour ago and I think the entire street must be high as a kite. I am still trying to clear the smoke.

The penny dropped. My oven just has numbers and it goes up to 245 degrees...................CENTIGRADE................NOT...................FARENHEIT ! This has just happened I swear on my Mothers grave. I'm left with a heap of charcoal, pissing useless charcoal.......All my weed burnt to a f*cking cinder. I'm not quite sure how I feel at the moment .....Mad, sad, pissed off, angry, stupid, murderous, shitty, in pain, ....I give up.

I can say thanks to all you on here that helped me along the road and that I will try again. Thanks again, I'm off to my scotch......At least all my neighbours are really happy!

Ever seen a grown man cry?

I still can't believe what I have just done. I deserve to be shot at dawn.

In a nutshell:- I started my grow of nine plants last june. After many mistakes I at least managed to get 14 Litre sized jars full of lovely dried and cured buds (4 were trimmings actually but good stuff all the same).

Tonight, I ground in my coffee grinder my much loved and cared for budds ready for the oven as I am making edibles and tintures. 8 months ago I started this and I spent a fortune in the process, not to mention many sleepless nights. So tonight was the big night, tonight I will decarboxylate my precious budds in the oven. ......I have to make this short as I am so pissed off I can hardly think straight. I pre-heated the oven to 230 and when eventually the light went out I slid my four trays of superlative, georgeous, ground weed in, and shut the oven door. 50 minutes at 250 all the good web sights agree on so here we go!

SUDDENLY. Alarm bells and smoke alarms are going off like crazy and I open the kitchen door to be greeted by a solid, thick, wall of smoke! I scrambled to the oven and opened the door and the flames just about fried my hair (what there is of it left). That was an hour ago and I think the entire street must be high as a kite. I am still trying to clear the smoke.

The penny dropped. My oven just has numbers and it goes up to 245 degrees...................CENTIGRADE................NOT...................FARENHEIT ! This has just happened I swear on my Mothers grave. I'm left with a heap of charcoal, pissing useless charcoal.......All my weed burnt to a f*cking cinder. I'm not quite sure how I feel at the moment .....Mad, sad, pissed off, angry, stupid, murderous, shitty, in pain, ....I give up.

I can say thanks to all you on here that helped me along the road and that I will try again. Thanks again, I'm off to my scotch......At least all my neighbours are really happy!

That is pretty shit, my wife did that with an Oz once lol.

Sent from my comfy chair.
We could probably call "Uber Assassins" to take care of the "I deserve to be shot at dawn" part.
Oh man, I am so sorry to hear this dude! I hope you get another grow started soon to get your mind off of it!
:nono: :yoinks: :fire: :face::jawdrop::wall:
I lost two pounds to mold once. I was shaking mad at myself over that one. I feel your pain. You'll be able to laugh about it down the road. In fact, once the pain wears off, that's the kind of story legends are made from. Hang in there, we've all done something like that, or will someday.
Regards, Kyle
We could probably call "Uber Assassins" to take care of the "I deserve to be shot at dawn" part.
Yup, it was painful indeed, but today I'm starting 8 'Northern Lights' autos from seeds with the aim of not making so many cockups........Wish me well.
