Fed up

Cheers for commenting on the thread.

Coco is definitely on the cards. I'd have used it years ago if I had more time on my hands. I'm glad you are using coco for your first grow though what strain/s are you running.

Hey Henry. I used to follow that very same method as you describe. I used to never even give my plants any feeds whatsoever.. But over the years I wanted to increase my yields and that would make me want to feed my plants more. I used to use cooled boiled water. In fact I still do upon germination. I used to use plant magic nutes too. But I find the ionic stuff to be perfect if you are using scottish tap water. As for fabric pots. I've never tried those. Definitely gotta be better than plastic pots.

On another note

I gotta say though after re reading what has been previously posted on this thread....the problem has to be down to the soil . I never had problems with it in the past. But that doesn't mean I won't in future. Batches are never the same. I should know this. Probably just coincidental that ever since I switched to led*s that the soil has been a cause for concern. Before I switch to coco. I'll do one last grow using the stuff but I'll condition the soil before hand. Fuck sake what a waste of a thread this will be If I prove to myself that it was nothing to do with the led*s after all. I'm far too set in my ways as a Grower. Christ I even never stray away from the Almighty sweet seeds auto's and atm I continue to run the seedstockers finest and cheapest auto of all time the one and only BCN critical xxl. It's definitely the only strain I continue to grow. @ under £8 for 5 seeds... Here is one of 6 that is on her 39th day.

Thanks AFN


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I think your original assumption is correct, it's the LEDs.
If you were having good luck before LED, then bad luck after, that's the simplest answer to what's wrong.
I use LEDs, and if I follow the manufacturer's recommendations, my plants show stress.

To find out whether it's the lights, raise them to 3 ft for a few days and see how the plants respond.
I dare not get too much closer than about 30 inches.
But all of this depends on how strong the lights are.

A cheap lux meter can help.
Thanks again for the replies one and all.

It's hard to say if it is the leds that are a cause for concern. But that's why I decided to question the situation... I've never had to use calmag in almost a decade of growing.. Man. I hate the stuff. Like someone said they've never used a drop. Neither did I.

Going back to the led's

I know of growers including those that first responded to my thread that you can get some of those lights right up close to the canopy without causing any problems with 12, 18, & 24 inches. Atm my led's are at their maximum height and the plants are getting closer than 12 inches. I'm sure my invisible sun ISH120s aren't as powerful as some of the high end units which I believe will allow me to hang them at a 12 inch minimum... I've only got 180cm of height to play with. I do think though that I'll sell off the led's and get right back onto the CFLs in collaboration with an hps... I love how close the compact fluorescents can be hung in close proximity to the plants with only a couple of inches, and where I could remember the weed was so much better..better yields better taste. Better smell.. Electricity is currently completely wasted lately, I'd be lucky if I get an oz off of each plant although one plant looks like she might give me 2. But still that's not what I'd be aiming for.
I remember growing the freedom of seeds auto white goblin under 4 x 125w CFLs a few years ago and obtained 394g from 4 plants. It was the best weed I've grown. Over the 2 years that I've been running my leds, my grows have gone to the cats. I'm believe that the only good thing about leds is their energy efficient and probably produce tighter more dense buds... I find too that because they don't give off much heat I have to run an oil rad in order to maintain temps so in a sense I'd rather run CFLs or even better the high pressure sodium. Which would be killing two birds with one stone.

I should have always listened to my mother when she often told me to stick to what you know and works for you. Don't complicate things and keep it simple.