Mephisto Genetics Official Artisanal Automatics Introduction and 2016 Descriptions!

Next fix:

Grape Crinkle F4 – (Canadian Crinkle Cut x Supernatural (exotic genetix)) x Ripley's OG Automatic

Project introduction -

Our Grape Crinkle Project has been one of, if not, the most involved projects we've tackled.

The pure Canadian Crinkle was passed to us in cutting form as a medicinal quality, early finishing outdoor strain with good mould resistance. Little known to us prior to that, after doing some digging it's said to originate from Ontario, a clone only variety rumoured to be a hash plant hybrid. I also read it was hoarded by biker gangs, it's speed and quality beneficial to commercial applications.

We ran it outside during our first season, and true to form, it was done by the 15th September at 40 degrees latitude, The crinkle produced truly round golf ball nuggets that completely iced over with sugars. We had also seen similarly impressive results from our amigos growing this cut up in England, which has to have some of the wettest, typically miserable summers around, and in the high humidity Mephisto woods, often jungle-esque during summer nights, we can testify to how well it performed.

It grew very indica like with approximately 75% stretch throughout flower, the dried flowers are very powerful in effect, arse kicking, combined with the mould resistance it made an ideal candidate to turn auto. The only areas we felt it could be improved upon, were to add some taste and flavour and a little more stretch to her. This came in the form of a feminised F1 cross we made using Supernatural (grapegod x the flav) from exotic genetix. The split in phenotypes with these were pretty straight-forward but we prefered and opted to reverse a sativa dominant super grapey lady.

The F1 feminised photoperiod of Canadian Crinkle x Supernatural, which we quickly coined as 'Grape Crinkle' , We flowered out 30+ of these in order to find our special grape crinkle lady, which was all we had previously desired, a little more size, beautiful colours and creamy grapey aromas, the buds were totally crinkle dominant, just on a larger more vigorous frame.

Here she is around 4 weeks into flower
Grape Crinkle s.jpg

And here are a few shots of the end product
grape crinkle trimmed s.jpg


Here's the F1 of our Grape Crinkle selection x Ripley's OG auto
grape crinkle x ripleys og f1 s.jpg

At F2 the plants were very uniform, whilst being automatic, they were branchy, crystalised and retained the typical grapey goodness and smell we'd got a real nose for. It was a 2 plant selection, very similar in characteristics so we ran a mix of the F3 seeds in order to be able to get a range of different expressions to sift through and work with at f3
grape crinkle 2 s.jpg

Plant characteristics @ F3 onwards

Grape Crinkle is simply a trichome factory, she basically begins to put out frost on her fans from the time she shows sex, and just doesn't let up after that.

She was first created with the idea to make a mould resistant outdoor variety but over the generations she's become an extract artists wet dream, the hashplant heritage has made itself known in abundance. With grapey, flavourful terps to match, she's a champion in our hearts and under our lights.

She grows with an open structure, spaced out nodes, but not too stretchy that floppiness or support is a concern, she makes clusters at each one. The flowers have a very unique structure, that ooze resin. Branches and flower sites generally protrude out from the main stem, but with one main cluster on the end, She can also form a very bulbous main top.

To process, especially for live resin extration, it's simply a case of removing only the very biggest fan leaves only.

Grape Crinkle is a variety that really excites all the senses. Whilst touching her live flowers or busting up her dried ones, you are hit by an intence, almost artificial level of grapey-fruit aroma.

Grape crinkle can purple and colour up easily with cooler temperatures, and fan larger fan leaves multi-colour and make a lovely show for the eyes.

She is also the fastest of this first release of artisanal projects, in the correct environment and grow style she can be commercially ready from less than 60 days from sprout. However for personal conoisseur smoke and average conditions the 65-70 day window is ideal.

Grape Crinkle is not a mass yielder individually but is very capable of yielding well in an Autoflower Sea-of-green grow style.
If a quick easy grow of high quality terp-soaked flowers is your aim, you couldn't go far wrong with this strain.

F3 - midflower
Grape Crinkle s (3).jpg

F3 - Late flower
Grape crinkle 2 s (2).jpg

F3 - Dried nugs
Grape Crinkle s (2).jpg

In house data, information and stats:

Complete cycle time: 55-65 days from sprout

Per plant yield in a 9 plant to 600w HPS arrangement, Potsize:15L, medium: Organic Soil: 40-75 grams

Size: 50-70cm in height

Aroma: Creamy fruit yoghurt, to Artificial concentrated grape flavouring

Taste: Fruity supremely paletable, hints of flowers, mulled wine and christmas spices.

Medicinal Benefits: Powerful Pain and stress reliever

Effect; Medicinal, smooth and balanced to sooth both body and mind.

Flower Density: 7.0 / 10

Best Suited For Growing: Indoor

Extract Returns: TBA

Cannabinoids: TBA
Every strain in this thread will be out on sale for 4/20. A celebration day for the finest autos to ever hit the market.


ohh ok cool.i suspected but wasnt aware.Thanks!

Yes sorry if it wasn't clear, these four artisanals will all be available from 4/20

We're working on several more but it's unlikely they'll be released until next year.

The sour stomper and 3 bears og descriptions I will get up as soon as possible,

Sour Stomper F4 – (Grape Stomper OG (GageGreenGroup) x Sour Crack Automatic

Project introduction -

Sour Stomper is the first mephisto variety whereby someone else had a hand in the project, and we we've been delighted with the results at every stage since. So first and foremost we have to give credit to GBD @Autoflower network for having the foresight, skill and taste in quality genetics to get this project underway, He made the F1 cross using a Sour Crack female and Grape Stomper OG male, so here's a word from the man himself:

'Sour Stomper began with a trip to Denver, Colorado to celebrate the legalization of recreational cannabis use on January 1, 2014.

After spending two weeks sampling almost one hundred strains there was a clear standout. Grape Stomper.

The grape flavors she emits are other-worldly, almost too good to be true!

I had been disappointed by grape strains in the past, but after two tokes of her greasy grapey sweet mouth coating smoke accompanied by an instantaneous rush of full body relief I knew she was something special.

This began the quest to find Grape Stomper genetics and introduce them into the already unbelievably good autoflower genetics created by Mitch and Tim.

The search was damn near impossible, taking correspondence relay races, waiting lists, and some asking extra nicely to finally acquire the beans.

If anyone goes on a successful quest for them today my hat is definitely off to you!

Once in hand they were immediately germinated, vegged, cloned and flowered.

All of the females were absolute crystal queens, but they all left something to be desired in the way of grapey goodness, however one of the males was a different story.

The scent from his tacky stems transported me right back to the flavors of the original Grape Stomper with a little something extra, slightly offensive in the mix.

He was selected to pollinate a super sweet Sour Crack that had strong grape undertones and was caked in resin.

From there the offspring were handed off to Mitch and Tim to work their magic on, and to translate the best qualities of Grape Stomper into autoflower format.

After seeing the Sour Stomper F3 grown out first hand in Spain last year I can safely say the quest was a complete success.'

On receiving the F1 seeds from Gbd, we set about our usual process for F1 runs, starting 30-40 plants, narrowing down to a selection of 9 females, During the F1's we witnessed some of the most complete, thickest trichome coverage we've had the pleasure of seeing, out of anything, automatic or photoperiod..ever.

grapestompsc2 s.jpg

We selected two pollination candidates, a thick sour crack dominant lady, big thick fingered leaves, fantastic resin, with an added injection of a sweet grape scent. The second, a grape stomper og dominant lady with nice branching and more elongated colas. She had thinner leaflets, a positively intoxicating smell and again covered in whiteness.

The F1 grow was in winter 2014 and the plants quickly turned a deep exotic velvet purple to black with the cooler temperatures.

sour stomp 1 s.jpg

Generally we like to steer away from the plants at F1 that favour the auto parentage, but with this variety and the other artisanals so far, the already high quality building blocks used to donate the auto trait is making this decision trickier, but we opted to go with the grape stomper leaning parent.

Actually in hindsight I don't think we could have gone far wrong with any of the selections from this cross at F1.

The foliage of these F1 females were so triched out, it almost felt like sacralige to trim them.


Here's a flower ready to go:

sstomperbudshot s.jpg

At F2, we witnessed a more compact version of the F1's, but a larger version of the Sour crack, one of our strains we've grown and played with relentlessly over the years.

Plant characteristics @ F3 onwards

It's getting harder to rate the frostiness of these new projects, but Sour Stomper is definitely very high up there and can only be described by a potentially invented word 'frostiliscious'

Sour Stomper has actually been the hardest strain to photograph and showcase as it's covering of whiteness against it's purple hues is difficult to capture and definitely best seen first hand.

From early to mid-flower a sweet red grape smell is evident, this develops throughout flowering becoming more intense and complex with a more raw meatier edge coming through as the flowers build.

The flower to plant ratio is extremely high, meaning although the outright size of the plants aren't large, this is a small-medium sized variety, the yield is impressive.

There isn't a big swing in the phenotypes Sour Stomper puts out, we found two thirds will display colouration under cooler temps, but the flower structures and aromas are very similar throughout.

She is a delight to trim and manicure, and is an ideal candidate for extraction work.

Performs very well in an autoflower sea-of-green configuration.

We pollinated just two candidates to make sour stomper f4's, one we've labelled simply as 'the delicious pheno' the other is branded 'whiter than white'.

Late flower images -
Sour stomper1 s.jpg

Sour stomper2 s.jpg

Sample nug - currently being tested
Sour Stomper s.jpg

In house data, information and stats:

Complete cycle time: 60-65 days

Per plant yield in a 9 plant to 600w HPS arrangement, Potsize:15L, medium: Organic Soil - 60-80 grams

Size: 50-70cm in height

Aroma: Delicious sweet red grape infused with a raw funky to meaty edge. Powerful.

Taste: Grapey with piney-lemony undertones,

Medicinal Benefits: Anti-depressant qualities

Effect; Glorious, hitting all the pleasure zones, euphoric and feel good vibes. Brings a sunny shine to a cloudy day

Flower Density: 7.0/10

Best Suited For Growing: Indoor/Greenhouse/Outdoor

Extract Returns: TBA

Cannabinoids: TBA