Odor control in drying


mad scientist
Jan 6, 2016
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Currently Smoking
Old school
I am not that new, still need opinions.
I am having micro grow now and I am already planing harvest set up.
I never did grow in this place I am now and discretion is absolutely must, I cannot afford anybody to notice smell. And I have few harvest behind me so I am very well aware of very strong odor while trimming and drying.
So, here is what I am thinking of doing this time:
My grow is in 40×40×160cm with HS1 and Northern Lights Auto and I also have 76×76×180 one so I was planing to put small tent in the big one, both tents to run carbon filters with inline fans (I just attach simple inline fan to carbon filter and stick it through outake opener on tent. Bigger tent would have a bit stronger fan so I am sure to have negative presure in both tents.
And in small tent to dry plant.
While it sounds good I doubt it will be fully smell proof even running through 2 carbon filters.
So what I decided is to go with 3 carbon filters instead. Will use one big heavy duty cardboard box, tape it all around with plastic kitchen membrane and with tape to be more smell proof, make pasive intake and outake with a fan and carbon filter attached and through the up side. Than will simple add indetical box on top of it, also heavy duty, tape them together, make intake hole in bottom so air can move freely in from the another box where will be dried weed. Cardboard box on top will have slightly stronger fan attached to carbon filter and so the cardboard box will have one small independend intake hole beside one connected to cardboard box under it, because of negative presure as well. Can you follow me? :)
Both intake holes (no bridged one) will have some mechanism to be closed if electricity cut out which sometimes happen.
Those two cardboard boxes to whose air will enter through down one and exit through uper one, passing through 2 carbon filters will be in my bigger tent (76×76×180cm) with its own pasive intake and a bit stronger fan than previous two ones (105w, 160w and 175w, carbon filters all three 250m3/h).
That is option one.
Option two is the same but grow tent hosting two cardboard boxes will be sealed, zipped so air will more less stay in the tent (no tent is smell proof by the way), may run 3rd carbon filter freely inside the tent next to cardboard boxes or should I actualy attach it to the third cardboard box inside the tent attached on top of the second one or hosting both of them??!! :D
In that case, with two or three cardboard boxes inside the tent + dehumidrator in the tent of course, it is must in the sealed system to control humidity, I could use The Neutralizer, plug in odor control together with SureAir, another odor neutralizer similar to Ona in the same room as tent.
So, do you think any of those options would work well and do you advice to seal the tent and have odor neutralizers in the room or to use the tent with carbon filter and no odor neutralizers?
I will appreciate any advice if somebody has similar experience.
Here is mine micro grow, one plant is 18 days old in 12 l pot that was originaly planed and 2 16 days old plants in 2 l pots that I decided to keep, smth like improvised SoG :D

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Is your space secret inside the house? If not just run a carbon filter and fan in the room the tent is in and keep the door closed while drying in the double tent set up. it will clean the air just fine. I have had company over with skunk growing in there and none the wiser!

Is your space secret inside the house? If not just run a carbon filter and fan in the room the tent is in and keep the door closed while drying in the double tent set up. it will clean the air just fine. I have had company over with skunk growing in there and none the wiser!

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Hey, thanks for replaying.
Yes, grow is smart so it is not noticable unless you realy look for it. But nobody realy comes to my place and when drying it wil need to be set up in the middle of the room for drying days. There is one door not in use but which separate mine studio, where is the tent, with another one studio, and those people living there are the ones I worry about as they rent me the place. I covered the door between us with double layer of thick plastic nailon and with big wooden box over the whole door, all taped, so unless I have strong odor in the room while drying they will not notice. And of course outside of the studio just few meters away there are people passing by. So it has to be as proffesional and incognito drying setup as possible. Thats why I plan to use not double settup but triple settup, box inside the box inside the tent, all with carbon filters. And I will gradualy remove all fan leafs and other leafs I can before cutting the plant but will not trim at all, that I will do with already dried buds, one at the time. Trimming will be the worst thing to do because of smell it will produce.
But in general, you are saying that it will control the smell, right?
I will have with me odor neutralizers, so do you or anybody else suggest me to use them in the room (in that case tent will need to be with sealed intake and outake holes and third carbon filter to simple circulate the air inside the tent) over simple triple settup, I would like to know that. That will esentialy work the same way as you adviced, tent being the room
In general I am thinking not to use odor neutralizers similar to Ona gel beside the one I would put inside the wooden box that covers sealed door, one that leads to mine neighbors and to simple run triple settup without sealed tent.
Hey, thanks for replaying.
Yes, grow is smart so it is not noticable unless you realy look for it. But nobody realy comes to my place and when drying it wil need to be set up in the middle of the room for drying days. There is one door not in use but which separate mine studio, where is the tent, with another one studio, and those people living there are the ones I worry about as they rent me the place. I covered the door between us with double layer of thick plastic nailon and with big wooden box over the whole door, all taped, so unless I have strong odor in the room while drying they will not notice. And of course outside of the studio just few meters away there are people passing by. So it has to be as proffesional and incognito drying setup as possible. Thats why I plan to use not double settup but triple settup, box inside the box inside the tent, all with carbon filters. And I will gradualy remove all fan leafs and other leafs I can before cutting the plant but will not trim at all, that I will do with already dried buds, one at the time. Trimming will be the worst thing to do because of smell it will produce.
But in general, you are saying that it will control the smell, right?
I will have with me odor neutralizers, so do you or anybody else suggest me to use them in the room (in that case tent will need to be with sealed intake and outake holes and third carbon filter to simple circulate the air inside the tent) over simple triple settup, I would like to know that. That will esentialy work the same way as you adviced, tent being the room
In general I am thinking not to use odor neutralizers similar to Ona gel beside the one I would put inside the wooden box that covers sealed door, one that leads to mine neighbors and to simple run triple settup without sealed tent.
Do not use odor neutralizes on the buds or even in the room with the drying buds it will ruin them. Use the free standing fan/filter in the closed room with you while you trim. It will help a lot.