Indoor Oasis Genetics - Gypsy Widow Indoor

Hey yeah yours plants looking good and I've read about ppl getting photos instead of autos. I've been super lucky mostly grown every canuk strain because they sell singles on true north so I bought em all and all went great except C.R.E.A.M auto was one bud 4 inches long lol I'm also a newb grower started last year all indoor kinda jumped in overnight threw the wallet at it a little bit after I planted a bag seed under a cfl it grew pretty big in lil cup I had fill with soil from outside then started hitting google and kinda just felt like was in over my head with my Shitty cfl and bought few cheap led with best reviews and Cpl 600watt switchable ballast MH /HPS and now I'm hooked spend more time in grow room then with the wife haha actually I think she's jealous I'm like babe look how beautiful my plants are haha. I'm in love with autos because no matter what I do temps swing to much with lights on lights off so I run 24 hrs, no sh*t, shave or showers for my girls. I'd like to get everything digitally setup for RH and temps I got pm on my last run was very defeating spread bad had lil bit this time but this it was just stuff that didn't come out of equipment when bleaching but Ive also read conflicting info on pm one says dry humidity moderate temps other says high humidity low temps lol other then that think organic is best way to go with autos little work for good yields dinafem kush and cheese is best weed I've smoked in few years and I f**ked it up bad too (was still learning ph and all that [emoji23])but a definite staple for me I'm still strain searching got 12 going now 8 auto 4 photos wanna make list of all the smelliest weeds skunks, fuels kushes lol anyways I'll definitely watch out for your grows let me know if that plants switches over for ya maybe give it 24hrs light then back on 20-4 heard story's some need extra little push because rudaralis trait isn't fully stable or something like that lol

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Yeah I was originally using organic soil amendments and just mixing them with my coco/hp promix combo and watering with water ph.d down to 5.8-6.2 and it was working great (Photoperiods only experience with that though)

Then I saw that Reefertilizer commercial on Youtube one day after legalization, saw the price for a full 4 plant package start to finish (50 odd bucks, SO cheap compared to everything I've done) and it's been treating me really well. Definitely going to do a side by side with organic amendments vs reefertilizer with my next autoflowers, I just ordered some Ghost Toof from Mephisto and got some Deez Nuggs locally.

Edit- I hit enter too early and it sent the message hahaha

Your plants are looking great man, how long have you been doing autos for vs photos? My wife has been doing the same thing with me since I've gotten all this space, the spare "Bedroom" is actually my grow room at the moment, filled with an assortment of tents. Then I have an old attic with a good 4x8 and 2 2x12(but only 4ft high) spaces up there for the summer. It's gonna be a mad house here once I get my upp'd prescription for edibles and concentrates hahaha
Yeah I was originally using organic soil amendments and just mixing them with my coco/hp promix combo and watering with water ph.d down to 5.8-6.2 and it was working great (Photoperiods only experience with that though)

Then I saw that Reefertilizer commercial on Youtube one day after legalization, saw the price for a full 4 plant package start to finish (50 odd bucks, SO cheap compared to everything I've done) and it's been treating me really well. Definitely going to do a side by side with organic amendments vs reefertilizer with my next autoflowers, I just ordered some Ghost Toof from Mephisto and got some Deez Nuggs locally.

Edit- I hit enter too early and it sent the message hahaha

Your plants are looking great man, how long have you been doing autos for vs photos? My wife has been doing the same thing with me since I've gotten all this space, the spare "Bedroom" is actually my grow room at the moment, filled with an assortment of tents. Then I have an old attic with a good 4x8 and 2 2x12(but only 4ft high) spaces up there for the summer. It's gonna be a mad house here once I get my upp'd prescription for edibles and concentrates hahaha
Right on yeah I wanna try that cc/hp promix that's what I'm using is promix HP and gaia green organic dry amendment this first time and plants did better then the advanced nutes grow, bloom, micro I was using and too much work I'm gonna look into what you using too I'm down to try anything ez here's few pics the greener one that are bit bigger are all organic and the ones further in flower were started synthetic then started amendments with organic cuz I was getting a lock out I think

Sent from my Z978 using Tapatalk
All your girls look great.. I am only on my 3rs ever grow! I moved away from HPS lights after my first grow due to heat and now use Grow Northern Telos 008 (Which I and my plants love) find it easier to raise the heat than removed the heat from a HPS I have this time also moved onto a different soil, ow using Sohum Living Breathing Soil (Just add water) my girls seem to be loving it at the moment.

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Haha nice to meet a fellow Canadian grower :) Sorry we posted near the same time earlier in here so I didn't see it in my previous post.

Lights just went off, I forgot to mention I keep them on a 20 On - 4 Off Schedule, mainly for heat because it's the middle of winter here and pretty chilly nipps outside.

Here's some pictures without the HPS in full blast haha.

The burnt one is growing prettttttty slow compared to the others unfortunately. I gave it a mega flush of 6.2 water today and am hoping for the best. (Ph'd down with squeezed oranges)
43 days old as of today out of the ground. So I'm pretty positive that one is a photoperiod or a super weak genes plant. Just comparing to the other plants, even the burnt one jeez.
The one with the 2 topcolas have actually been sharing space pretty evenly which I'm surprised but happy about, I might try to seperate them with some pipecleaner between the stems if they get big enough.

Loving autos so far, been really great for just getting back into indoor perpetual system and filling the time between my photoperiods. All I had room for at first was a micro grow in a 2x2 tent, so I stuffed 4 bagseeds in there and 3/4 were female lucky enough.
Now since moving, I have a 5x5 tent, 2x4 tent, 2x2 tent, and 4x8 space hahaha. I am only registered for a 2g a day / 12 plant production, so I better make some beasts. Renewal in april though lol.

I'm doing the same thing where Auto's will share the tent with the vegging photo's while I grow perpetual, in a recirculating system it isn't ideal but I can't seem to dial it in to harvest and set up again. So I do what I can, I'm always tinkering and changing things up tho so who knows a couple months from now where I will be.
You have some great space to work with! I wish I had more room, I'm at 25 plant limit + the 4 rec.
Right on yeah I wanna try that cc/hp promix that's what I'm using is promix HP and gaia green organic dry amendment this first time and plants did better then the advanced nutes grow, bloom, micro I was using and too much work I'm gonna look into what you using too I'm down to try anything ez here's few pics the greener one that are bit bigger are all organic and the ones further in flower were started synthetic then started amendments with organic cuz I was getting a lock out I think

Sent from my Z978 using Tapatalk

Yeah dude those are looking beastly! Making me kinda wanna go back to the organics just for ease of watering, but honestly these nutrients have been really good to me despite the one plant getting slightly burnt. The start solution especially, each germinated seed sprouted in a SINGLE day. The humates in the start solution realllllly help that stage of life I think. I guess I'm still like 20% organic, as I'm using full dosage of Liquid Karma ( But that batshit works wonders even in super high doses)

All your girls look great.. I am only on my 3rs ever grow! I moved away from HPS lights after my first grow due to heat and now use Grow Northern Telos 008 (Which I and my plants love) find it easier to raise the heat than removed the heat from a HPS I have this time also moved onto a different soil, ow using Sohum Living Breathing Soil (Just add water) my girls seem to be loving it at the moment.

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

It's so hard to find Sohum near where I am at the moment!!!! Shipping it to where I am is too expensive as well, so I'm stuck with my HP Promix / Coco combo. I'm lucky enough that I can fit all my tents into the same room, and just use the expelled heat from my HPS tent to keep my LED tents nice and stable. My HPS tent will OCCASIONALLY get to like 28 celcius but it really does sit around 26 normally which is pretty fine in there.

I'm doing the same thing where Auto's will share the tent with the vegging photo's while I grow perpetual, in a recirculating system it isn't ideal but I can't seem to dial it in to harvest and set up again. So I do what I can, I'm always tinkering and changing things up tho so who knows a couple months from now where I will be.
You have some great space to work with! I wish I had more room, I'm at 25 plant limit + the 4 rec.

Yeah It's definitely not optimal but it works real well. I normally don't like to vege under an HPS ( I love the node spacing that LED's provide during vege, especially if you're going to lollypop and mainline, my LED's seem to make them get nice and tight after the branches are about 6-7 inches long ) BUUUUT since that one "Auto" is looking to be a photoperiod it is what it is hahaha. The other photoperiods I dropped developed their side leaves on the second node overnight today, pretty exciting. Letting the medium completely dry out is doing wonders for these sativa girls. :) Really looking forward to seeing your autogrow with the mephisto and your photo journal, I gotta get back into my perpetual system too and after reading yours and a few other peoples hydroponic setups, and how cheap / easy they seem I am really thinking I'm ready to turn my 2x4 hydroponic once I set up the 4x8 space in the attic this spring / summer :)
Yeah I was originally using organic soil amendments and just mixing them with my coco/hp promix combo and watering with water ph.d down to 5.8-6.2 and it was working great (Photoperiods only experience with that though)

Then I saw that Reefertilizer commercial on Youtube one day after legalization, saw the price for a full 4 plant package start to finish (50 odd bucks, SO cheap compared to everything I've done) and it's been treating me really well. Definitely going to do a side by side with organic amendments vs reefertilizer with my next autoflowers, I just ordered some Ghost Toof from Mephisto and got some Deez Nuggs locally.

Edit- I hit enter too early and it sent the message hahaha

Your plants are looking great man, how long have you been doing autos for vs photos? My wife has been doing the same thing with me since I've gotten all this space, the spare "Bedroom" is actually my grow room at the moment, filled with an assortment of tents. Then I have an old attic with a good 4x8 and 2 2x12(but only 4ft high) spaces up there for the summer. It's gonna be a mad house here once I get my upp'd prescription for edibles and concentrates hahaha
Lol sounds alot like my thing here haha started in my closet in our bedroom, then basement with photo bag seed and had this huge 400w HPS from a factory Reno I was doing quickly realized that thing was too big too hot and really made my unfinished basement way shorter so basically was overgrown till my new leds showed up I had 2 bluedream clones I got from friend they almost hit lights even tied down they got light stressed I'm assuming and possibly pollinated by other plants it was already halfway into flower so all the weed was still better then outdoor for me lol then I did round 2 all clones by this time her brother moved out of spare room I immediately confiscated that room swearing it make more money then he paid lol after winning that battle I spent every spare dollar I could to get a decent set up and found true north online, where I found AUTOS. Started googling found alot of mixed reviews but after realizing most bad reviews were about the original dwarf plant. I bought every single seed strain as long as it was under 21 a seed lol so not I basically have my own seed bank in little drawer haha love it. But like I said can't seem to keeps temps within range and I think because I always have bunch different strains it throws me through loop autos seem to produce I use lst training on all of them ph I kinda playing around with on duff plants because of all the conflicting info I read about promix, organic, soiless, nonsoiless, hydro I'm still [emoji53] a lil but it's seems to like 6.0 ish best for both I'm kinda torn about the selective deleafing to seems to just burst with more leaves during flower but I'm doing side by side just the lst on both but yeah I'm trying to do perpetual grow of both so I got 3 photos in flower 3 in veg and I pop a need auto every 2 weeks or so unless it get to full so far so good I also rooted my first clones after 100 attempts at least then tried 4 and got them all so I think I'm getting better at not over mothering lol and thanks these are by far my best run, I got powdery mildew last time and kinda gave up till could bleach everything only few small patches this time which a [HASHTAG]#growtogrow[/HASHTAG] on this website told me about peroxide diluted with water really keeps it's been spraying only when find little patch. Anyway that's my grow life story haha so far for me I like 24hrs light I really like the replacement t5 led light strips hands down will never waste energy on regular t5s they sold by isunlight41w or Agrolux or agroflex I forget, I'm not to sure about fabric pots they just dry out to fast and can't see much grown difference. Anyway that's just my opinion.. Think I'm roll big joint see what's in the attic [emoji23] thanks for the idea

Sent from my Z978 using Tapatalk
All your girls look great.. I am only on my 3rs ever grow! I moved away from HPS lights after my first grow due to heat and now use Grow Northern Telos 008 (Which I and my plants love) find it easier to raise the heat than removed the heat from a HPS I have this time also moved onto a different soil, ow using Sohum Living Breathing Soil (Just add water) my girls seem to be loving it at the moment.

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk
Yeah I wanna be led summers, Hid winters I removed the heat from the basement to my room so lately it's been perfect but when summer comes I'm need more led power I think lol a/c unit running just like knife poking u in the power bill lol I'll Cheak out the light for sure and love the living soil idea was worried about pests any prob?

Sent from my Z978 using Tapatalk
Yeah dude those are looking beastly! Making me kinda wanna go back to the organics just for ease of watering, but honestly these nutrients have been really good to me despite the one plant getting slightly burnt. The start solution especially, each germinated seed sprouted in a SINGLE day. The humates in the start solution realllllly help that stage of life I think. I guess I'm still like 20% organic, as I'm using full dosage of Liquid Karma ( But that batshit works wonders even in super high doses)

It's so hard to find Sohum near where I am at the moment!!!! Shipping it to where I am is too expensive as well, so I'm stuck with my HP Promix / Coco combo. I'm lucky enough that I can fit all my tents into the same room, and just use the expelled heat from my HPS tent to keep my LED tents nice and stable. My HPS tent will OCCASIONALLY get to like 28 celcius but it really does sit around 26 normally which is pretty fine in there.

Yeah It's definitely not optimal but it works real well. I normally don't like to vege under an HPS ( I love the node spacing that LED's provide during vege, especially if you're going to lollypop and mainline, my LED's seem to make them get nice and tight after the branches are about 6-7 inches long ) BUUUUT since that one "Auto" is looking to be a photoperiod it is what it is hahaha. The other photoperiods I dropped developed their side leaves on the second node overnight today, pretty exciting. Letting the medium completely dry out is doing wonders for these sativa girls. :) Really looking forward to seeing your autogrow with the mephisto and your photo journal, I gotta get back into my perpetual system too and after reading yours and a few other peoples hydroponic setups, and how cheap / easy they seem I am really thinking I'm ready to turn my 2x4 hydroponic once I set up the 4x8 space in the attic this spring / summer :)
Yeah man I actual got the idea from the Mr canuk grow on YouTube his grows looked great was pulling colas way bigger then mine and just water when dry sounded to good to be mixing this and that and as much as I'm addicted to growing I still don't like maybe charts to know which one likes what and which one was fed last and they all weeks apart usually. so if i can grow even 75% with little work I don't feel it's worth that work. And I didn't do half as good on yields probably because I'm new but wow what a difference for me now and way less work lol I found some pics of the hack job set I first had in basement with giant factory lights lol then I built the big black box and then closet .lol I love the dollar store blankets I taped and stapled all wrinkly I was so proud at the time [emoji23] anyways great talking with everyone love to see ppl rooms and all weird hacks they come up with so funny I'm think of putting sun tunnels they fit right between joist ez install I have slanted ceiling and sun passes right over house could have indoor plants grown by the sun lol wife don't like that idea to much said ruin the house I always tell her GROW up haha

Sent from my Z978 using Tapatalk
Yeah I wanna be led summers, Hid winters I removed the heat from the basement to my room so lately it's been perfect but when summer comes I'm need more led power I think lol a/c unit running just like knife poking u in the power bill lol I'll Cheak out the light for sure and love the living soil idea was worried about pests any prob?

Sent from my Z978 using Tapatalk
I have not noticed any pest issues with the soil, but sure its heat treated like alot of the other top soils. So far all good, I wanted to try super soil and don't have the space to make it, so I am glad I found Sohums Living Soil. But this is my 3rd indoor grow and I am yet to have any pest problems no matter what soil I use, and previous grows I used Dutch Passion Soil.

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So, new video game league started and I've been kind of dead to the outside world aside from playing that game hahaha. God damn path of exile.....

Pretty huge updates really, when looking at the pictures from last updates. 2 of the 6 are looking ready to harvest in a couple weeks, I was worried it was a deficiency or burn at first, but it's just regular ol' senescense and I'm getting some very nice pretty red and purple in a couple of the nugs sugar leaves. The one in the top right and bottom left are going to be the fast yielders. Such a vast genetic pool considering they all came from the same type of beans!
I think they are finishing early and started flowering early too, because they topped themselves at the 3rd and 5th node respectively, no work on my behalf for those ones.

Top left girl looking to be an easy QP , pretty impressed with her. She was slow going at first but her hardcore sativa traits are really paying off now going into week 5 of flower.

Most of my pictures are dated there.

Happy growing everyone!!!


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