Indoor Nympho XXX

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Day 37 for the lvtk, Nympho cross. The gas that she is giving off will make you think there is an entire room filled with budding plants. I’m excited.
28” tall. She grew a little over 4 inches over the weekend. Also she is beginning to stack her bud already. Those little glands are so extreme, in a beautiful way. I actually jerked my head back when I smelled my fingers after touching her. I’m sorry but I had to. It’s going to be extremely hard to keep my hands off this one because I know she is only going to get better. Sorry for the sleeping pic. I woke her up because pics under the leds make them look horrible.

It’s time to flip these not so little ones into 12/12. I wanted to give them time to show if they already carried any auto flower gene. No pistils so far, and these little one are running out of room fast.

Here is a leaf mutation showing the middle blade severely deformed. I really thought a bug had eaten it. But it appears to be intact. I’ll look around more after I separate them to see if any of the same strain carries it.
Not only is it hard to water like this, it’s also hard to look over the plants.
If anyone knows what flood trays fit the @Marshydro 4x4 please let me know. I’m tired of hand watering.

Enjoy your day and as always, the Nympho says Fly High.
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@blu-tri very impressive!!! There is so much that can be said but why say anything look at them.:growing:
Fly High!!! Nympho!!!!
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My little solo killer glue. Notice how different it looks compared to first time I grew it. View attachment 1366302View attachment 1366303
some would think that they are separate phenos because even smell slightly different. However, they are the same cut. View attachment 1366328
As they say, “ give 10 different growers the same cut, and they will all produce something totally different.
This effect is even more evident when growing from seeds.
It’s easy to say that different phenos are at play. But I’m quicker to say that individual plants react differently to the environment.
When choosing which plant to breed, I prefer to choose plants that act favorably to my environment.
But that doesn’t mean that the plant will react the same when the next, person try to grow it out.
I’m saying this because lately there have been so many post about bad genetics or about plants herming.
For instance, if you take a landrace from its natural environment, you would expect poor results. Therefore why would the expectations be any different when you remove a plant from the commercial environment and place it into the homegrown setting.
Let’s take fastbuds for example. I love them by the way. Fastbuds is located somewhere in Spain. The growers there use their own unique growing technique. Fastbuds happily ship their product out o growers in the US who are much less than commercial growers.
US home gowers are using every type of nutrients, soils and conditions, to grow plants that are indigenous to fastbuds conditions.
The strains from fastbuds, or from any other breeder, may as well be a landrace because it’s impossible to duplicate the original breeders methods and conditions. Off the top, this plant is stressed because it will take time for it get used to your growing conditions. Although we may want to, there is no reason to bash the breeder.
Just something to think about.
Smoking the grower. Ya my vanilla kush cut smells sweeter outside in the soil like a yogurt where the indoor one smells like musk.

Smoking the grower. Ya my vanilla kush cut smells sweeter outside in the soil like a yogurt where the indoor one smells like musk.

That’s a good example of what I’m talking about. Good looking plant bro great job.
@mdabber nice outdoor brother. She is going to smoke good.


Let the stacking begin. Not bad for day 40

16 oz versus 1 gal comparison. Flapjacks x ng6.

2gal killer glue x ng6 on the left. 1gal Runtz s1 x ng6. The killer glue is much larger. Check out those huge fan leaves.


Photo crosses were flipped on 9-16 so it will be interesting to see how long the transition takes.
Also I will give them a haircut soon, due to their fast growth. They have really gotten out of control.
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I just want to show you guys how quickly these ladies are moving. I have been a lowly trimming the lowers.

Also here is how quickly the Nympho 3.6 and 4.6 have grown since there last pic.
Before circled in yellow.

After. Wow

Look who decide to come out and play. Here is an animal cookies cross from the germ test that just decided to pop. Lol better late than never.

I hope all is well in you guys garden and see you next time.
very nice!!! I hope my babies make me smile like I be smiling at yours…. Lol they are growing very big and very fast .
More afn drama… was hoping i was getting a message from brother boognelson87, but instead some one was offering to help me out by helping themselves .
Maybe I’m missing something, or can the afn family help me to understand where guys like these are coming from.
I think he wants something for nothing. What’s u guys take on it? You can answer here or preferably by message. Peace.
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Not sure what to say... I'm a bit lost in the conversation there. Isn't Old Sage Seed just a seed retailer? Did they contact you to sell your breeds?
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