Outdoor NW UK Organic. First UK outdoor & first ever auto flower grow.

Apr 3, 2019
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Greetings all!
As the title suggests, I'm in North West England. This is my first ever run of autos & first time growing outdoors in the UK. In years past I've lived on the continent where the Summers were long & I could have a balcony full of massive photo periods & no one batted an eye lid :D

15L Pots.
Decided to have a crack at making my own "air pots". The process was simples enough & they look a little like this:


After doing a little research on autos (mainly on here, so thanks for that!), I decided to layer up a couple of different soil types.
so, the bottom 50% or so is Bat - special. The top 30% ish is bio buzz light mix & the middle 20% is a mash up of the 2.

grow 8.jpg

At this point I gave the pots a good soaking just to get everything moving. I used water that I'd left standing out in buckets for 36hrs.


grow 5.jpg

I wanted something that would handle the possibly low temps we get in the North of England. I also thought that a strain suited to colder climates may tolerate cloudy & overcast days a little better. With this in mind I went for 3 of the RQS AK Auto. The Royal AK, as far as I could find, was the only one they rate as suitable for outdoor cold climates so it seemed like the reasonable choice. I also picked up 3 Royal critical autos, listed as suitable for mild climates, just in case we get another summer like last year.

As always with RQS they sent a freebie. A Northern Lights auto suited to warmer climates that may have to wait until I can get a mini indoor set up going later in the year. khbl

I have a little "dog proofed" area in the corner of the garden, behind the shed. It's protected from wind & out of the line of sight from the neighbours. The only issue is the massive lack of light :D The area is right
under an Alder tree, next to a large hedge & up the side of the shed so, not ideal *more on this later*.

To protect from chilly nights, I knocked together a cold frame that should see them through till the end:


you can see the dappled sunlight that makes it through the canopy :/ This spot only gets a couple of hours of full sun mid morning then it's like this the rest of the time.
Worry not, friends!
Just on the other side of that fence, to the left of the cold frame is a farmers field. Used only to bale hay a couple of times through the season then grazed by sheep in the winter, the other side of the fence gets full sun from lunchtime through to sunset. I'm usually home from work around that time so can just chuck them over the fence. Result!

I made some little "day time space suits" for them for over the fence:)

grow 4.jpg

ok so, on 13.5 I planted 3 x Royal AK Auto.... & at this point, I'll have to leave you hanging for now :D

Duty calls. Dog walking duty that is.

I'll up date you on the last weeks progress shortly.
Sorry for such a long first post/intro to a grow diary. I'll try & upload more often in the future.
To be honest, I wasn't sure about sharing. Being in the UK where cultivation is moronically still a criminal offence I thought it a bit risky but... fuck it, it'll be reet :D

Until next time: BASS & LOVE

Love seeing uk outdoor grows seeing the success on here I can't wait to get some outside got a runt amnesia going out no time for runts this go round lol seem to see a lot of em with autos I recon could just be me tho. All the best good luck..

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Right, lets quickly get up to date...
17.5. so, after 4 torturous days, I came home from work to find this little lady (known from now on as "A1") had made her move :)
grow 6.jpg

and the very next morning A2 poked her head through as well (18.5).

Continuing the daily cycle of being put over the fence at lunch time to get the full sun (when it's not overcast) & brought back into the garden before bed.
Still nothing from A3 but A1 & A2 starting to stand a little taller.
grow 9.jpg


A3 finally decided to make a show! so proud of you, little buddy :)

I'll get back to you in a couple of days when A1 & A2 have been doing their thing for for a full week & A3 has had a couple of days to try & catch up. Until then, fingers crossed for sun!
Am wondering about nutrients. Should I be adding something during veg with autos? considering the top 20% of the soil is Biobizz Light with nothing added? Found a product call "Ecothrive Charge" in my local grow shop (link below). Was considering this as a top dressing when we get into flowering but could I be adding something now?

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Greetings all!
As the title suggests, I'm in North West England. This is my first ever run of autos & first time growing outdoors in the UK. In years past I've lived on the continent where the Summers were long & I could have a balcony full of massive photo periods & no one batted an eye lid :D

15L Pots.
Decided to have a crack at making my own "air pots". The process was simples enough & they look a little like this:

View attachment 1061334

After doing a little research on autos (mainly on here, so thanks for that!), I decided to layer up a couple of different soil types.
so, the bottom 50% or so is Bat - special. The top 30% ish is bio buzz light mix & the middle 20% is a mash up of the 2.

View attachment 1061335

At this point I gave the pots a good soaking just to get everything moving. I used water that I'd left standing out in buckets for 36hrs.


View attachment 1061358

I wanted something that would handle the possibly low temps we get in the North of England. I also thought that a strain suited to colder climates may tolerate cloudy & overcast days a little better. With this in mind I went for 3 of the RQS AK Auto. The Royal AK, as far as I could find, was the only one they rate as suitable for outdoor cold climates so it seemed like the reasonable choice. I also picked up 3 Royal critical autos, listed as suitable for mild climates, just in case we get another summer like last year.

As always with RQS they sent a freebie. A Northern Lights auto suited to warmer climates that may have to wait until I can get a mini indoor set up going later in the year. khbl

I have a little "dog proofed" area in the corner of the garden, behind the shed. It's protected from wind & out of the line of sight from the neighbours. The only issue is the massive lack of light :D The area is right
under an Alder tree, next to a large hedge & up the side of the shed so, not ideal *more on this later*.

To protect from chilly nights, I knocked together a cold frame that should see them through till the end:

View attachment 1061855

you can see the dappled sunlight that makes it through the canopy :/ This spot only gets a couple of hours of full sun mid morning then it's like this the rest of the time.
Worry not, friends!
Just on the other side of that fence, to the left of the cold frame is a farmers field. Used only to bale hay a couple of times through the season then grazed by sheep in the winter, the other side of the fence gets full sun from lunchtime through to sunset. I'm usually home from work around that time so can just chuck them over the fence. Result!

I made some little "day time space suits" for them for over the fence:)

View attachment 1061856

ok so, on 13.5 I planted 3 x Royal AK Auto.... & at this point, I'll have to leave you hanging for now :D

Duty calls. Dog walking duty that is.

I'll up date you on the last weeks progress shortly.
Sorry for such a long first post/intro to a grow diary. I'll try & upload more often in the future.
To be honest, I wasn't sure about sharing. Being in the UK where cultivation is moronically still a criminal offence I thought it a bit risky but... fuck it, it'll be reet :D

Until next time: BASS & LOVE
Now then mate, good to see another outdoor UK grower on here. Its surprising what our climate can produce, there were some great grows/journals last year and hopefully this year will be the same for us again:cools:.
I'm just abit south of you...on the coast... Ish
Check out my journal I have going at the minute, https://www.autoflower.org/threads/quentins-country-garden-round-2-the-urban-jungle.71237/
There's a link to last years grow on there... Got slightly out of hand haha hence this years title Lol.
Good luck with this year mate, :vibes:
@Quentin3176 yes man, thanks for stopping by!
I'm liking the "green house-shed" & it Looks like you've got quite a lot going on in the garden already :) I'll certainly be keeping an eye on your progress & hopefully learning a thing or 2 along the way. Hopefully we get another season like last year, although we'll have to be pretty on it with the watering regime :D
Just checked the forecast for the next few days & it looks fair overcast up this way :/
Next four days were I am it's 20_21°c night time 12_15°c so ill be putting two autos out today little runts so nothing lost probs put another two out later on can't wait hope this summers like last year fuck the hose pipe ban lol

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Yeah man, I had a look to see what summer this year might be like and apparently we're In for a warm one again :d5:
Yeah the garden here is in full swing now. I planted put a touch earlier last year and although they did well I think a little longer would have benefitted them.
I'd love a spot like yours straight out onto the fields.
[UOTE="Sgt pepper, post: 2111498, member: 42162"]Next four days were I am it's 20_21°c night time 12_15°c so ill be putting two autos out today little runts so nothing lost probs put another two out later on can't wait hope this summers like last year fuck the hose pipe ban lol

Sent from my 8050D using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]
That's it mate.. Fuck em! :pighug::headbang:
Yeah man, I had a look to see what summer this year might be like and apparently we're In for a warm one again :d5:
Yeah the garden here is in full swing now. I planted put a touch earlier last year and although they did well I think a little longer would have benefitted them.
I'd love a spot like yours straight out onto the fields.
I was looking thru some pics from this time last year n it was really hot maybe not as good a start this year but give it time hopefully get there.. Be better if the wind pisses off like..

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