Indoor Nutrient BioBizz Questions!

People have had issues with autopots due to mixes some hold to much water some hold to little
some mix examples
50/50 perlite and vermiculate
Very simply, you pot your plant up in any suitable growing medium, such as a quality soilless potting mix, a 50/50 coco and soilless blend, or straight perlite.
Yeah have also hear that...I also discovered that I am meant to put Hydroton on top of the medium to stop moisture from evaporating through the mix, so it only leaves through the leaves...
Since I added the Myco and put the hydroton on top it seems to be drooping less..could that have been caused from too little moisture?
Thanks for the Autopot guide, I have a very basic one so this will help a lot!
Right now I have a medium of mix of perlite and coco peat, worm castings, bat guano, turbo grow and diatomaceous earth which seems to be working pretty well, though difficult to say when I don't have anything to compare it to! Maybe my next grow I will use a simper mix...
Anyway, once again thank Agito!