Your girls look great. Can I ask what soil you are using for this grow?
Your girls look great. Can I ask what soil you are using for this grow?
Your girls look great. Can I ask what soil you are using for this grow?
Nute, youre thinking all the time.. That fire extinguisher is a very good idea. Where did you find that? You deserve some slappage for thatDay 7
Plain water for now still, looking good so far. Nothing else to report really! Here are some pics:
Black Stone
A view of the equipment up top
Everything's on track, gonna give them some feed in a few days so we'll see how they respond to that!
Looking mint NB! Great for day 20
Hey Nute I wondered where you have been hiding !! over here in the Mephisto side! they look sweet for day 20!!
I have about 9 mephisto plants at day 11 they look real sweet!