Not flowering after 10 weeks

Should I kill 'em?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • No, wait it out.

    Votes: 3 75.0%

  • Total voters
I'm basically having a similar issue. I planted two Fastbuds Pineapple Express seeds on June 9th in identical felt pots with Fox Farms Happy Frog soil. They received basically the same care. One has a big fat central cola getting close to the size of a football with side branches with decent buds. The second plant is taller and bushy vegetation and looks to have a couple pistils showing but no flowering yet. 54 days? You would think they would grow at identical rates.

I planted 4 seeds from another breeder. Same strain but the breeder said the seeds could result in different phenotypes. One short with big central cola on a shorter plant or a taller plant with multiple branches with smaller buds. I had three seeds sprout. Two plants at 60 days with the central cola and appear to be near completion. Third plant is about four feet above the soil, has multiple long branches covered with small popcorn sized buds as of today and likely has 30 days to go. The first month I planted these they grew no more than two inches and I was ready to tear them out, then they took off.

Yesterday, I pulled two of four Fastbuds Fastberry plants. They were stunted and horrible sickly looking plants, the other two are around three feet tall and in full flower after five weeks. All four were planted in identical pots and soil. Moved out of tent into outdoor grow area when they reached about 5 inches.
If it's ur only plant then fuck it get seeds other wise ur wasting time and it can polinate other plants