Not autos but photos update

May 13, 2023
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these are a week older since i posted last. But im running two different nutrients these im gonna run straight floraflex's nutes. These have yet to be up potted and i am planning on going to 5 gallon cloth.
these are the downstairs plants and i am starting these on mega crop.
One of my upstairs plants is throwing seeds in veg is this a male plant?

If it's actual seeds then no females have seed male's have pollen but guessing your seeing pollen sacks got any pics?
One of my upstairs plants is throwing seeds in veg is this a male plant?
Here’s a picture of a male cannabis plant….these are pollen sacks….. they start out looking like a little lollipop, rather than the “white hair” you’re probably used to when checking for sex…..

Here’s what it looks like early on….

if you have a hermie, you’ll have both female and male parts…..

Hope it helps… :d5: :pass:
By the way…. I just remembered you’re growing photos…… if that plant was supposed to be female (clone, fem seed), and it hermied, you most likely have an issue that’s stressed the plant. I would look for light leaks during the dark period as a likely culprit… but you’ll need to go over your environment to make sure things are in check.

If the seeds were “regulars” (male and female) then never mind this post (but hang onto the knowledge)……
By the way…. I just remembered you’re growing photos…… if that plant was supposed to be female (clone, fem seed), and it hermied, you most likely have an issue that’s stressed the plant. I would look for light leaks during the dark period as a likely culprit… but you’ll need to go over your environment to make sure things are in check.

If the seeds were “regulars” (male and female) then never mind this post (but hang onto the knowledge)……