OLD REVIEWS Northern Lights Blue Autoflower

Hi there Pal23,

The yield surely depends on many factors, but speaking for myself, I have been very happy with what I got out of it, lot of sticky crystal laid dried bud of the three plants I had (I was using 2x CFLs, 1 of them 2700 K, and the 2nd was 6500 K), and it was my first time ever grow. At the moment I am traveled off abroad, when I get back home I can weigh the bud stored in two large glass jars and will post it here for reference.

There's some info here: https://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/delicious-seeds-northern-light-blue-auto/prod_3445.html
and on the non-auto twin: http://en.seedfinder.eu/strain-info/Northern_Light_Blue/Delicious_Seeds/

Good luck with your choice
Happy growing
Peace and Love

Hey man, thanks for the reply :) sorry the yielding question was rather broad, it's just I see some autos grown out and it's obvious they're grown ( or at least marketed ) purely based on its cosmetic value, I wanted to know if the kush has potential for bigger yields and a powerful smoke in for example my 15L airpots under a grownorthern ms0006 led. Peace

EDIT: enjoy your buds when you get home! I look forward to your reports :)
Hi there, back home from holiday, the dried and cured buds I got from 3 plants weigh 170 grams. I take only 2 - 3 vaporized puffs per session, as taking more would cause me unpleasant side effects - overdose symptoms (as I have already found out), it is a strong strain.

Good luck with your choice of the strain and happy growing :wiz:
I have 3 of these girls flowering right now. I'd be happy if I could pull 170 grams off those girls :D and now I can't wait to smoke it!
Hey Onenesssss

How long did she take for you from seed? She sounds real nice.

Hi Mnml,
My three ladies took 13 weeks to get to "amberish trichomes" stage of harvest.

Hi Gotgreen2 and Mainemedical,
Wish you both happy growing and great harvest