
May 31, 2024
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A bit worried now.
This lady is about day 52. A few buds but I don’t think anywhere near ready for harvest (?). Worried about the yellowing leaves. Is this normal at this stage of blooming?
Should I cut them off!??

Thanks 🥴


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Looks hungry to me, possibly a P or K deficiency. How often are you feeding? What's the medium? Are you pHing your water?
Hi. It’s in a medium of Coconut Fiber, Blonde Peat, Black Peat, perlite and Natural Fertilizers, such as guano and seaweed. The ph is a little acidic so I lower it a little with a pool water tester so it’s a bit of a guess. I feed daily with RQS’ Easy Bloom.
I was told that nutrients go to the flowers from the leaves. Maybe?

Many thanks.
The brown spots might be ph issues.. and if you spilled something that could also be the cause.. soluble organic will burn leaves.. and I'm no expert but the yellowing lowers looks normal for that stage of flower.. and yeah mobile nutrients like nitrogen are able to move from one place to another like older fans to the growth tip when needed.. I don't like cutting them off until they've pretty much died but I might be wrong
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Looks hungry to me, possibly a P or K deficiency. How often are you feeding? What's the medium? Are you pHing your water?
S I'm guessing the RQS 'Easy Bloom' isn't doing it's job. Can you recommend a good source of K and P? Thanks
S I'm guessing the RQS 'Easy Bloom' isn't doing it's job. Can you recommend a good source of K and P? Thanks
You may just need to use more of it. What's your feeding schedule? With liquid nutrients in soil people usually alternate water and feeding so you don't get salt accumulation. If you're going for dry amendments then I mixed them with some more soil and top dressed it. Just gotta figure out a good schedule for what you are using. Usually you will get a good boost of K for blooming and a finisher for higher P. I used to just use Fox farm tiger bloom at about 5ml/gal with good results. Make sure your pH is in range though. For soil organic grows I shot for 6.2-6.5.

If you want something similar to rqs stuff biotabs are good. I used fox farm in the past with good results. I currently am using Jack's Nutrients and have been liking that but I lean towards the hydro side even though I grow in soil

At day 52 the damage is likely already done. Its difficult to bring plants back when they hit issues during flower. It will still finish fine but you loose a lot of that bulking up. I would get this one to finish and get a good plan together for the next one so you have stuff on hand to deal with issues as they come. Overall the plant looks pretty good still and you should get some decent bud off it.
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I do soil but have fade like that start on most of my plants going into flower. More P and K goes into flower production taking it away from the leaves. A very few strains will stay green up to the very end. From the looks of the cola that's about the time I'd expect fade. You can try to adjust or just keep going like you have, I wouldn't sweat it much.
You may just need to use more of it. What's your feeding schedule? With liquid nutrients in soil people usually alternate water and feeding so you don't get salt accumulation. If you're going for dry amendments then I mixed them with some more soil and top dressed it. Just gotta figure out a good schedule for what you are using. Usually you will get a good boost of K for blooming and a finisher for higher P. I used to just use Fox farm tiger bloom at about 5ml/gal with good results. Make sure your pH is in range though. For soil organic grows I shot for 6.2-6.5.

If you want something similar to rqs stuff biotabs are good. I used fox farm in the past with good results. I currently am using Jack's Nutrients and have been liking that but I lean towards the hydro side even though I grow in soil

At day 52 the damage is likely already done. Its difficult to bring plants back when they hit issues during flower. It will still finish fine but you loose a lot of that bulking up. I would get this one to finish and get a good plan together for the next one so you have stuff on hand to deal with issues as they come. Overall the plant looks pretty good still and you should get some decent bud off it.
Well it appears that I’ve been OVER feeding them. I must’ve misread instructions. I thought the daily dose gave a gentle, constant trickle of nutrients. I should’ve only fed them once a week!
I wonder if I should cut off the yellow leaves?
Well it appears that I’ve been OVER feeding them. I must’ve misread instructions. I thought the daily dose gave a gentle, constant trickle of nutrients. I should’ve only fed them once a week!
I wonder if I should cut off the yellow leaves?
You can if you want, if I have a plant with problems I usually just leave the leaves as they will soak up more of the damage before sugar leaves. Once they die and start to turn crispy I remove them. Eventually they will fall off on their own but dead plant matter can attacts bugs or mold so it's best to remove it before it gets to that point.
The brown spots might be ph issues.. and if you spilled something that could also be the cause.. soluble organic will burn leaves.. and I'm no expert but the yellowing lowers looks normal for that stage of flower.. and yeah mobile nutrients like nitrogen are able to move from one place to another like older fans to the growth tip when needed.. I don't like cutting them off until they've pretty much died but I might be wrong
This is my method of checking ph. With a pool water tester. A bit crude and also a bit of a guess as you can see by the picture. Maybe it's not good enough?


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