Grow Mediums Noremak's Trans Gargantuan (Auto Seeds Trans Siberian Grow Journal)

Awesome looking plant. :gthumb:

Thanks so much for the love and reps everyone, means a lot!
Haha Yeah fingers were most definitely sore, and VERY sticky. the hash I got from them was really good, so I can just imagine what the finished product will be like.
All in all she took about 10-12 hours to go from in the setup, to chopped up in paper bags.
I have no idea what to expect as far as dry weight, haha I'm just going to go with what you guys are saying, I would be beyond ecstatic to pull 18-22oz! (:

Thanks again AFN, You're Kick Ass.

Hahaha yeah you're totally right! :D
I do plan on giving half away to my pops, but still man, half that plant is going to keep me set for awhile! (:
Haha that's the plan! :D
Next will be Dutch Passions TD! Then halfway through I plan on starting a Blue Mammoth!

Very nice grow :five:gargantuan is the word !:slap:
Wow. Awesome grow brotha! This might of sealed the deal on my next one to grow, Cheers!
you ever get a final dry weight and smoke report????:shrug: