MarsHydro Light Shows 2024 NORBY (Mars Hydro TSW-2000 GROW.) with Sawney_bean LECTER X7

MarsHydro Light Shows 2024
i chopped a lecter today Day 58

i chopped a lecter this morning​

@ (Day 58)​

The rest will grow up untill near day 70 + before chop time

close one

I nearly fucked up​

I must of hit the dail for the fan controller when i was climbing out to the surface early today .​

my hygrometer says max temp in there today at one stage was 34.4c / 74 RH​

Lucky i went down again cos i wouldnt of known about it to be able to sort it out.​

its later on tonight when i normally go down.​

7 hours from now ffs​

Also my missus is giving me shit about growing again saying that i couldt get any lower by keeping on growing and growing.​

I simlpy say in response, Not many growers could ever get as low as me cos im as low as you can get in regards to growing.​


Cos you wont be saying that when your high at harvest time.​



I nearly fucked up​

I must of hit the dail for the fan controller when i was climbing out to the surface early today .​

my hygrometer says max temp in there today at one stage was 34.4c / 74 RH​

Lucky i went down again cos i wouldnt of known about it to be able to sort it out.​

its later on tonight when i normally go down.​

7 hours from now ffs​

Also my missus is giving me shit about growing again saying that i couldt get any lower by keeping on growing and growing.​

I simlpy say in response, Not many growers could ever get as low as me cos im as low as you can get in regards to growing.​


Cos you wont be saying that when your high at harvest time.​

lolView attachment 1597234View attachment 1597233

I feel your pain bro! The mrs will always find something to moan about lol
I feel your pain bro! The mrs will always find something to moan about lol
im just glad my grow aint easyily got too theses days lol
times weve fallen out before and the grow got brought into it and attacked, had my tent slashed before ,
solo cups karate chopped
plugs unplugged
cleaning spray sprayed onetime,
mop bucket nearly got lanched but the handle broke of before it reahed the tent.

she even went down to the den one time after we had an argument with a kette but coundnt lift the door up cos it was too heavy.
i was nearby laughing my. balls off cos it was wet and she got soaked.

even if it did get opened there not much a kettle would do as its just the hall way and it has a drain under it lol
And i doubt that she would climb in cos if that door closes shes stuck cos its heavy as fuck,

living the dream guys
Very nice, what day are you on now? Not to long to wait, then it will be snippy snippy :jointman: :toke:
not long now Deano, they on day 59 today and 1 has been taken out yesterday morning,
gona let the rest do another while yet with the 5 gal coming out last. cos i can train her down below the light better when theres space to do so

thinking i may do 4 - 5 gal next run as it would produce probly more that 7 -3 gal would.
would need a good training tho as they get alot taller.

when do u plan on your lunar planting and have you noticed any difference in growth or anything when doing it before?
DAY 59 LECTER (its nearly harvesto time)

Thanks again @Sawney_bean for letting me grow your stuff​

yous a good friend and a fucking legend.​

love growing the Lecter and gonna be doing JonesTown and maybe something else too in the next run coming very soon.

not long now Deano, they on day 59 today and 1 has been taken out yesterday morning,
gona let the rest do another while yet with the 5 gal coming out last. cos i can train her down below the light better when theres space to do so

thinking i may do 4 - 5 gal next run as it would produce probly more that 7 -3 gal would.
would need a good training tho as they get alot taller.

when do u plan on your lunar planting and have you noticed any difference in growth or anything when doing it before?
Probably 2nd week of June, with the Lunar Planting I've found it has never let me down. I haven't had a bad run yet and above average yields. The Earths cycle definitely assists pulling liquids up and down throughout the plant at different times.

Here's a lunar calendar that is very easy to follow. The DP girls I have at the moment were Lunar planted on the first quarter in March, they haven't got long now :jointman:

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