Outdoor (Noobie) Grow Journal: Seet tooth auto - Barney's Farm (Outdoors)

Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
Strain - Sweet Tooth Auto, Barneys Farm

Soil - Janecomix B'cuzz

Pot Size - 7 litre

Products - Canna products (Terra vega, Terra flowers, Rhizotonic, Cannazym, PK 13/14, Boost acelerator, Daskor for the buggies)

Location - Outdoors, in a big balcony average of 8-9 hours of direct sunlight

Heya all! :toke:
This is my first all here (post, journal and also my first time growing) so if you don't mind I'd like to have your advice through the path of growing this wonderful plant :smokeit:

I'm a lill bit late on starting this threat yet better later than never!
So far I gave them (with Ph always controlled 5.8-6):
- First 3 days since they germinated, plain water.
- Day 4 They claim the surface as their territory from then to day 7 I watered them with 5ml/1.5L of canna vega (I was afraid of adding it too early so I just put this one).
- Day 8 (when I took the pics attached) 6ml/1.5L of canna vega and 5ml/1.5L of Rhizotonic (plus 2ml/1.5L of Daskor).
- Day 9 (today) not watering them it's raining and the soil isn't dry at all.

Tomorrow I'm planning on adding as the Canna guideline ( Canna guideline.jpg ) says for the Vegetative phase 7ml/1.5L of canna vega, 3ml/1.5L of Rhizotonic, 4ml/1.5 of CannaZym (the guide says 3.8ml/1.5L but I don't have a that accurate tool, lol).

And Now that I'm here, if you don't mind I'd like to ask you two questions more:
As you can see that the number 5 is growing slower than the rest shall I use a different mix of nutrients or it's not that big problem?
2015-05-18 20.57.04.jpg 2015-05-18 20.56.47.jpg 2015-05-18 20.56.41.jpg 2015-05-18 20.56.10.jpg 2015-05-18 20.56.19.jpg
And last but not least they are at my brother's place so in case I can't get there he will water them with the mix I did the day before, can the mix get bad or is it fine?

All the comments and advices are more than welcome!

Peace and Buds!
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Looks like you are set to go bro am sure all will go fine, she seemed very easy to grow showing pistils early about week 2 or 3 and started asking for cal and mag about the same time, apart from that just kept her fed and watered and she done the rest.

You mentioned you had seen my journal, i am sure she can produce alot more than that as she was stunted a bit near the start due to lighting issues, will be great to see some grown out without the same problems. Also i took her a bit early in that grow i reckon a week or two more would have been alot better for yield and smoke.

As long as number 5 stays lookign healthy should be ok, you just get the odd slow starter. Also growing with just sunlight they will grow and finish slower than running 18 or 20 hours under lights.

Not sure about your brand of nutes but with the Bio Bizz i use i would never leave i pre mixed longer than 24hrs as they can go bad.
Looking good fellow outdoor-man! I'd go a little easier on the nutes though if i were you. autos can be quite sensetive and only really starting asking for nutes once they've got their 4th set of true leaves. even then, start with half the recommended dosage and only work your way up if theres no signs of nute burn, toxicity or abundance. and also a good thing to note is that with nutes; less is more, within reason. no need to force feed it! :D
anyway, goodluck and i'll be watching from that bench over there with a bong!
good vibes and good karma!
I'm still here!

I'm happy to say that all of them popped out properly, and they are showing the already the 2nd set of true leaves already.
Here's the number 5 she's catching her sisters quite fast :3
ST5 05-21.JPG ST4 05-21.JPG ST3 05-21.JPG ST2 05-21.JPG ST1 05-21.JPG
I'm also doind kind of testing, want to see how much does it matter to have a white or black pot container by the moment seems that the ones into the black container are growing slightly faster, quite unexpected... Maybe it's cause these days it's been a lil bit colder and the black one helped in that way, what do you think?

Offtopic: Yesterday I saw the ones my friend is growing. she's not adding any nutes, just plain water, and by the moment are bigger than mines, since it's a different strain I'm not worrying that much, we will see the effects of these when the harvest time comes ;)

Hugs and Buds!
hey y'all! :toke:

Fast update since I'm going thru finals and gotta keep studying x_x'

ST1 05-29.JPG ST2 05-29.JPG ST3 05-29.JPG ST4 05-29.JPG ST5 05-29.JPG

They seem to be doing okay yet it seems quite a slow development to me, maybe it's just me that wants to have a big bush with big buds.
I've been talking with another friend and told me not to stop with the nutes, he said that it will be okay, that just should follow the distribution guidelines and it will work as intended, since I got both advices, to be careful with 'em and to keep going, and I have a 1L of each product I think I'm not going to let them waste so I'm gonna keep giving these lil ladies good food, let's see what happens ;)

Hugs and buds!
Hey y'all!

I'm Back again with a J of Jack Herer on my hands, such a nice taste too!

Well I'm starting to see the first growing results by looking back the next week, but Idk why some of them started to sprain so my brother putted these sticks on the number 1ST1 06-05.jpg 3ST3 06-05.jpg 4ST4 06-05.jpg I don't think they can be any problem at all, what do u think?

It's also interesting to compare how the ones with the black container are growing slightly slower in this phase, even though the number one was the fastest to germinate and say hi! also number 5 already caught up her sisters! :D
ST2 06-05.jpg ST5 06-05.jpg

So for this Vegetative phase I'm gonna be using
- Canna terra Vega 4,6 ml/L
- Rhizotonic 2ml/L
- CannaZym 2.5ml/L
And once a week some protection for the bugs --> Daskor

Hugs and buds!

PS: just a random thought They have around 3 weeks, shouldn't they be bigger?
All looking good and healthy bro, one thing i would recommend next time round is to make sure you get the pots filled to the top, so that they get full light from the sun early on, this will cause them to stretch a bit less and grow a little faster or even better still start them under lights for the first 2-3 weeks before moving them outside, but they growing good and look well as i said before the will be a bit slower starting and longer finishing outside in the sun, the more leaves you get the faster she will grow and they just about ready to be speeding up soon.
Yeah, they're looking a little small but not to worry! they'll have their growth spurt soon! grow on and live on brother! check out my completed grow! they started small and ended up being not a bad size!
good luck :))
Hey y'all! :toke:

Update inc!

So yesterday I couldn't manage to water the plants and my brother neither, which means they've been 3 days without being watered.

they look better, we moved them to the optimal place of the terrace so they get the most direct sun as they can in that terrace and they seem to be glad of this!
ST1 06-09.jpg ST2 06-09.jpg ST3 06-09.jpgST4 06-09.jpg ST5 06-09.jpg
The number 3's leaves are kind of "down" not withered tho, just like out of energy, maybe felt that lack of whater for one day? shall I do something?
ST4 06-09 (3).jpg

Well I'm showing aswell the ones of my friend they are also autos (critical+ auto 2.0) and are supposed to be the same age more or less, she's just using plain water and look at them!
2015-06-09 21.02.08.jpg 2015-06-09 21.02.12.jpg 2015-06-09 21.02.17.jpg

Is it possible that the size of the pot have that influence or could it be the strain¿
Ah one of them caught these "white flies" called glasshouse or greenhouse whitefly, any advice for her?

PD a family pic!
STF 06-09.jpg

And as always, thanks for reading
Buds and hugs!
Couple tips, first dont keep the soil wet, seedlings that size use very little water, let them dry a bit before you water them. Im not sure what soil you are using, but go VERY easy on the nutes when they are that small. Id suggest no nutes till you get to 3rd set of leaves and then start with 1/4 recommended strength. If the soil you have has any nutrition built into it, id wait even longer. I start my seedlings in 1/4 organic pro mix(could use miracle grow organic also), 2/4 pro mix bx soilless potting mix and 1/4 perlite. Water with rain water only, dont bother phing it. Also you can take a opaque plastic cup and cut the bottom off, flip it and put it over the seedling and you will have a makeshift greenhouse, will protect from wind gusts and provide a warmer more humid environment to get things going, they will grow right out he top eventually. I have a thread showing some pics but it hasnt been updated since I put my plants out.