Noob seeks feedback...


Cultivators Club
Sep 30, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
HSO Chocolate Mint og
Getting to be the end of the road for this girl. Her trichomes are 50/50 and her buds are swelling fast. As a noob, I struck the jackpot with this beauty and managed to avoid any obvious tragedies — looks like I’m gonna be able to grow this girl into harvest — but I’ve sure gotta wonder, what did I leave on the table? What type of minor low level things are going on for her that I can fix now and in the future? Kudos to me for getting her to harvest, but what can I improve on / watch / focus more on the next grow?

Problem: Dinafem WW XXL germed 2/5 which puts her at day 71

Medium/grow method: DWC currently in 6 gal nutrient solution / 7.5 gallon reservoir, fresh res every 7-10 days max

Feed: and supplements used:
MC 2.0, CalMagPro, Bud Explosion. Currently not supplementing with kelp or sweet candy until I add Heisenberg tea later this week.
Hydroguard. Enhance MC. FulPower.

water source: RO

light used: COBs running at 18” 18/6. Agromax UVA at 20” plus running 30 mins 4x a day during lights on. Curious if others think I might be running them too close so I have lots of closer shots of the tops and their leaves, there is some tip burn and sawtooth action happening.

Climate: 75 F / 55 RH

Additional info: grateful for any feedback, thanks. I’ve been running her in the 1200ppm range and she seems to like it. She’s about 36” tall and wide. Very little training besides topping at the 4th, a bit of steering early on. Only minor defoliation, she never produced a lot of leaves, perhaps a bit of sativa there. The Enhance MC has a pronounced ph down effect on the reservoir, and I generally adjust the new reservoir to 5.8 from a starting point of about 5.2 after nutes and everything else is in. The ph will slowly drift back down to the 5.2 range within the next 36 hours or so, and gets adjusted back up. This pattern has been consistent since Enhance was introduced about 6 weeks ago.



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:bighug: DG luv, you're gold so far! Are you asking if there's some finishing touches to do on them? Trich's are about 50/50 clear/cloudy? I'm going to defer to @Mañ'O'Green or @MedGrower for this, since I'm not a hydro experienced grower,... I am a bit surprised at the lack of fan tapping, especially N (which I blame mainly on the high N content of MC for bloom stage), which might mean it's time to taper down the feed ppm's....this may help reduce your cleansing ("flushing") time some; you just don't want a bunch of stored nutes and stuff still in the "plumbing" lingering around by harvest...
-- bias feeds toward the BE, no N there, high P, very high K,... kelp and SC are good finishing products, but let's see what the guys here say about staging things for a nice finish! They look very close, so you might be told to just stop base nutes altogether,... the BE and SC may still be added, for the little K, S and micro's boost they offer, critical for terp's....
Getting to be the end of the road for this girl. Her trichomes are 50/50 and her buds are swelling fast. As a noob, I struck the jackpot with this beauty and managed to avoid any obvious tragedies — looks like I’m gonna be able to grow this girl into harvest — but I’ve sure gotta wonder, what did I leave on the table? What type of minor low level things are going on for her that I can fix now and in the future? Kudos to me for getting her to harvest, but what can I improve on / watch / focus more on the next grow?

Problem: Dinafem WW XXL germed 2/5 which puts her at day 71

Medium/grow method: DWC currently in 6 gal nutrient solution / 7.5 gallon reservoir, fresh res every 7-10 days max

Feed: and supplements used:
MC 2.0, CalMagPro, Bud Explosion. Currently not supplementing with kelp or sweet candy until I add Heisenberg tea later this week.
Hydroguard. Enhance MC. FulPower.

water source: RO

light used: COBs running at 18” 18/6. Agromax UVA at 20” plus running 30 mins 4x a day during lights on. Curious if others think I might be running them too close so I have lots of closer shots of the tops and their leaves, there is some tip burn and sawtooth action happening.

Climate: 75 F / 55 RH

Additional info: grateful for any feedback, thanks. I’ve been running her in the 1200ppm range and she seems to like it. She’s about 36” tall and wide. Very little training besides topping at the 4th, a bit of steering early on. Only minor defoliation, she never produced a lot of leaves, perhaps a bit of sativa there. The Enhance MC has a pronounced ph down effect on the reservoir, and I generally adjust the new reservoir to 5.8 from a starting point of about 5.2 after nutes and everything else is in. The ph will slowly drift back down to the 5.2 range within the next 36 hours or so, and gets adjusted back up. This pattern has been consistent since Enhance was introduced about 6 weeks ago.

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Love it DG! :kiss:
Now your first grow was good but this looks like it's on another level!
Not sure if it's because you defoliated less, you got everything dialled in better or maybe your photography has improved but those buds just look so yummy on this girl :yay:
Will let the experts give you some tips on finishing up so I'm not really answering your question lol :baked:
Love it DG! :kiss:
Now your first grow was good but this looks like it's on another level!
Not sure if it's because you defoliated less, you got everything dialled in better or maybe your photography has improved but those buds just look so yummy on this girl :yay:
Will let the experts give you some tips on finishing up so I'm not really answering your question lol :baked:
Hey chro, gotta tell ya, this Dinafem and Dutch Passion stuff is on a whole other level than the growers choice. Factor the genetics in with yes I am a bit more of an experienced grower and I didn’t stunt her early on — that there is probably the half of it. So not that I’m some fantastic grower — more so that I didn’t fuck her up. :rofl:

I’m just happy for any kind of feedback. It’s nice to get pats on the back but I value the general observations too, even from the noobs. She’s not perfect.
@davisgirl ... have you read pop22's Myth thread on flushing? Granted that soil and hydro is anything but apples-to-apples,...but still... here's a couple links to articles on this, one by a very respected authority Jeff Lowenfels (Teaming with Microbes, Teaming with Nutrients, he will have an autoflower book coming out in Fall?)) ...... :eyebrows: food for thought!
General observation.... IE: what did you leave on the table....

Best advice IMHO... always learn from each grow by always refining your ability to read your plants. Once your get a good grasp on reading plants you can push them.

Those same plants in your pictures had the potential to be huge, but they are not. They had the potential to have massive buds, but they do not.

Nice grow, yes. Learn from it, then start pushing them and learn some more.

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:bighug: DG luv, you're gold so far! Are you asking if there's some finishing touches to do on them? Trich's are about 50/50 clear/cloudy? I'm going to defer to @Mañ'O'Green or @MedGrower for this, since I'm not a hydro experienced grower,... I am a bit surprised at the lack of fan tapping, especially N (which I blame mainly on the high N content of MC for bloom stage), which might mean it's time to taper down the feed ppm's....this may help reduce your cleansing ("flushing") time some; you just don't want a bunch of stored nutes and stuff still in the "plumbing" lingering around by harvest...
-- bias feeds toward the BE, no N there, high P, very high K,... kelp and SC are good finishing products, but let's see what the guys here say about staging things for a nice finish! They look very close, so you might be told to just stop base nutes altogether,... the BE and SC may still be added, for the little K, S and micro's boost they offer, critical for terp's....

Yeah hasn’t been a big eater, not what I’d expect from her size anyway, I haven’t hardly pushed her at all, but I certainly gave enough. She gets about 5 gr/gallon of MC 2.0 now, maybe I’ll drop her down to 80% strength MC, that’s going to put her PPMs back to about 800ish. Gosh, she really is close huh? Can’t believe it went so fast!

@davisgirl ... have you read pop22's Myth thread on flushing? Granted that soil and hydro is anything but apples-to-apples,...but still... here's a couple links to articles on this, one by a very respected authority Jeff Lowenfels (Teaming with Microbes, Teaming with Nutrients, he will have an autoflower book coming out in Fall?)) ...... :eyebrows: food for thought!

I’ve read pop22’s article! Very informative. I’ve heard of Jeff, I’ll definitely check out both those articles. I’m planning on a 48-72 hour “flush” at the end to get any extra out without overdoing it.

General observation.... IE: what did you leave on the table....

Best advice IMHO... always learn from each grow by always refining your ability to read your plants. Once your get a good grasp on reading plants you can push them.

Those same plants in your pictures had the potential to be huge, but they are not. They had the potential to have massive buds, but they do not.

Nice grow, yes. Learn from it, then start pushing them and learn some more.


but what can I improve on / watch / focus more on the next grow

mycoryzal root grow powder, a natural fungi symbiosis.... befoe and after below,........ i use it every time i pot up just the once, from 5ltr cling filmed over germ pots, pot up when root shows striong, and after i have selected the biggest pheno's to go forward............ after selection............ i use "RHS Root Grow" mycor powder...... 30% more nute availability. vis mycorr

i see you have a nasty case of over nute leaf tip burn............ this shows a nutrient salt value, (Ec) that is to strong for the plant, has been given "Consistently" during the early and mid grow phases............... 1200ppm is = to (Hanna) Ec 1200ppm is Ec2.4...................... my max Ec at late flower PK push window, last 3 weeks of flower on carbo input is Ec 1.2" (Max) this includes the tap water salt which is Ec 0.3, so my nutrient only Ec control is 1.2 - 0.3 = nute only Ec 0.9........................ you have a very nute tolerant plant, or your PPM meter is not calibrated............ !!................... feed at EC 0.4 seedlings up to a max flower at Ec1.2.............. this way your root matrix will not be packed with "Un-Used" nutrients......................which can drop the soil Ph, affecting nutrients up take....................stay within these Ph ranges for best nute assimilation with mycorr powder......ALR


600 to 650 ppm is a max nute power for sativas............. indicas can take a bit more,...............but you will need to flush out the plant with pure water zero nute water for 6-10 days before harvest.......... to improve flavor and terp values............. and less harsh on the throat when you de nute the plant via a final flush before harvest.............. leave the plants for 3 days no water normal light pattern before the chop day.......... helps dry out the flowers, and the root ball before harvest................ wet stalks = mold............ pre dryed flowers on the plant improve flavors also.......................and reduced drying time in the "A4" brown bags top folded over.......ALR