There is a crew of us. We spend Many hour's hand trimming. Because hand trimming is were the money's at.
With this generation of dialed in consumers that want hand manicured bud , with flavor profiles and aroma's . There's no money in dirt weed anymore. You better be about your game. If you want to get paid.
these day's.
These 2 plant's are my Og fire kush n a Chem berry diesel. 9x9x8 both plant's.
Left overs I had to put in the ground in July and build a cage for.
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Each gave me over 1000g"s of AAA smoke. Plus I had wax made with the trimmings and small crap bud's and got 60 gram's of wax. 2k each hand trimmed by me alone.
24 hour's 1 plant and the other 18.
It's all about the right trimmers.
The bare soil garden with the wooden fence gate... Is the guy I work for. This was his first outside garden. He don't think like we do when it comes to soil coverings or real compost
Not yet any way. That's why he hired me.
My garden's floor is
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