Noob Grower, a few questions which I need answered Plz.

Jul 4, 2020
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Hello lads, I have never grown anything in my life before and I decided to start my new hobby of growing with an indoor cannabis grow tent.

I have a .8m X .8m X 1.6m grow tent.
600W LED
2 - 15 Litre Pots
Nutrients: GHE Flora Grow / Bloom / Micro + CalMag and PHup/down
Seeds I am deciding between: Green Gelato, Royal Cheese & Sweet ZZ

I need some guidance on the following below.
- I am currently looking to purchase Biobuzz Light Mix Soil; Would this soil alone suffice if I have the added nutrients above being administered after the first few weeks ?
- When should I add cal-mag to the plants ?
- I have this schedule which I copied from another site were it gave me the nutrition schedule for the seeds beginning on week 3 and ending around week 8. Can anyone let me know if this will suffice ?

- I would feel more comfortable just putting the seeds directly into the pot that they will grow from rather than in a paper towel or another method, is this advised or are there adverse affects in germinating seeds this way ?
- Also, how do I know if I placed my seeds upside down or if they are growing upside down ?

Testing PH of soil
- How do I go about testing the soils PH levels, do I need to mix the soil with Distilled Water or is there another method ?
- How often do I calibrate my PH tester ?

Storage of Seeds
- If I buy 3 seeds but only use 2, how can I store the extra one for future use without destroying it ?

I am excited to start this new hobby, any info and help to the above questions would be greatly appreciated. I will try and start a grow journal once I have the information I need and hopefully I can get a half decent plant grown. I am expecting things to go wrong and to learn more from my mistakes in this grow than to achieve a stellar yield.
First of all, welcome to AFN. Yes, growing weed/personal medication, etc is quite rewarding especially when you can cut out the street vendors with their swag.
Your post may draw a few of the masters around here and you may get a lot of useful info to digest and collate into a useful tool. You're definitely asking simple questions with most having simple answers....
I've used biobizz light mix and bb organic nutes for years so you're good with medium. I grow in 2-3 ltr pots so can't speak to your size. I only germ straight to pot with heat/moisture in parameters. I actually pay no attention to seed position...100% germ can't be beat.
I start very conservative feeding at about 2 weeks. Store your seeds in the problem.
Hope you have a good ph meter. The good ones stay calibrated longer...the cheap ones ....who knows. You just need to have one you TRUST.
I never check soil ph but make sure what I add is 6.4-6.6.
I let my plants tell me when they need calmag.
Patience is typically the best long term tool yet is the last to be employed. Keeping it simple has always worked for me. Good luck with your endeavor and ask anything you wish. Some of us started growing without a friendly forum and found out its a weed that grows like a weed.
Hello lads, I have never grown anything in my life before and I decided to start my new hobby of growing with an indoor cannabis grow tent.

I have a .8m X .8m X 1.6m grow tent.
600W LED
2 - 15 Litre Pots
Nutrients: GHE Flora Grow / Bloom / Micro + CalMag and PHup/down
Seeds I am deciding between: Green Gelato, Royal Cheese & Sweet ZZ

I need some guidance on the following below.
- I am currently looking to purchase Biobuzz Light Mix Soil; Would this soil alone suffice if I have the added nutrients above being administered after the first few weeks ?
- When should I add cal-mag to the plants ?
- I have this schedule which I copied from another site were it gave me the nutrition schedule for the seeds beginning on week 3 and ending around week 8. Can anyone let me know if this will suffice ?
View attachment 1211766View attachment 1211766

- I would feel more comfortable just putting the seeds directly into the pot that they will grow from rather than in a paper towel or another method, is this advised or are there adverse affects in germinating seeds this way ?
- Also, how do I know if I placed my seeds upside down or if they are growing upside down ?

Testing PH of soil
- How do I go about testing the soils PH levels, do I need to mix the soil with Distilled Water or is there another method ?
- How often do I calibrate my PH tester ?

Storage of Seeds
- If I buy 3 seeds but only use 2, how can I store the extra one for future use without destroying it ?

I am excited to start this new hobby, any info and help to the above questions would be greatly appreciated. I will try and start a grow journal once I have the information I need and hopefully I can get a half decent plant grown. I am expecting things to go wrong and to learn more from my mistakes in this grow than to achieve a stellar yield.
Welcome. First of all, everything @automan2 said. For gemination i suggest final pots, don't worry about seed side, they'll manage. Use domes. Cut the top of plastic water jugs, flip it, and put it over the seed. It creates great rh (70-80) and good temps. I don't know if your light it's too strong for germination, but i'm sure @420Forever will chime in and help.
Biobizz light mix is great. Look for @TaNg feeding schedule, it works like a charm. Fir the rest, keep and update your this thread, ask everything you want. You will be helped and taken care of. It worked great for me. Happy growing.
If you start the seeds in your final pots, make sure that the pot contents are brought up to germination temperature before planting your seeds. With your 15l pots, you should give them a couple days to make sure they are warmed up. Ideally, ~80F or slightly higher is your best bet if you can achieve it readily.

One potential downside of direct planting is that once in a while you may waste time waiting for a dud seed to show. One compromise is to soak your seeds first until they start a tap root, and only then plant them, whether in a final pot, or a small one intended for transplant later. OTOH, if you are dealing with expensive purchased seeds, you may end up waiting a while for duds to show signs of life regardless of whether they are soaking or already planted. Hard to walk away from a $15 seed.

There are lots of ways to get the job done, every one of them includes compromise of some sort. Whatever approach you take, temperature is important. Good luck with your grow.

Thanks for all the information guys; I have yet another question regarding soil medium: should I add perlite to the biobuzz light soil or is there sufficient supply of it inside the product already, based on others experience ?

Thanks for all the information guys; I have yet another question regarding soil medium: should I add perlite to the biobuzz light soil or is there sufficient supply of it inside the product already, based on others experience ?

Haven't used Biobiz, but in general more perlite is unlikely to hurt, and too little is a definite risk if the rest of the mix has insufficient permeability.
Thanks for all the information guys; I have yet another question regarding soil medium: should I add perlite to the biobuzz light soil or is there sufficient supply of it inside the product already, based on others experience ?

I’ve never added any extra perlite to bb lightmix but it wouldn’t hurt if you did.
Hi guys, I have a single fan to use for air circulation in the tent, I can imagine more airflow being ideal however, would I be able to get away with a single fan for my first grow ?

Amazon product
Hi guys, I have a single fan to use for air circulation in the tent, I can imagine more airflow being ideal however, would I be able to get away with a single fan for my first grow ?

Amazon product

Yes, it’s only a small tent. I use one 6” oscillating fan in my 180x75x75cm
I veg all plants inside an open cabinet with only a small fan for air problem, but inside a closed tent may not be as friendly. Heat control and fresh air exchange is gonna be your next goal to assure fruitful harvests
I've never added more perlite to bio bizz light mix which I've used for years with no issues that made me think more perlite was needed. Why amend a product that works well?