DIY No tent option

What if I told you I went down to my local area where they were handing out federal supplies after the pandemic and they had a bunch of those reflective blankets that look like tin foil I forget the fabric that they're made out of you're supposed to use them in survival to keep yourself warm I took 10 of those and a roll of Gorilla tape and got her done brother
I was going to make an apron for the two open sides, but it would be hard to run the fans efficiently. I have 2 bigger oscillating fans one on the floor and one on the stand.
Lots of airflow. I am always moving plants around and have not noticed a problem with the lighting. I have white painted walls already.
Yeah that s*** sounds like a horrid Horrid crinkly crackly sound when it gets hit by a fan so definitely not I hear you I was just throwing it out there s**** and giggles style bro regardless I hope you have fun and you have a good grow