No.idea what wrong

MOG is the man around here to get you back on track. The above advice is the same advice he gave me and though it was pretty late in my grow everything bounced back about as well as it ever could. You're still gonna have to learn to tweak stuff to better fit your exact style but the basics will keep your plants pretty well off.

I agree that it seems to be environmental/watering issue, just looks overwatered. Is it just the leaves and their stems that are droopy or are the main branches drooping too. An underwatered plant will begin to sag everywhere where its more common for an overwatered plant to just have leaf droopiness. Just a thought, could be something else too.
Ok, it sounds like you are watering correctly but it may be drying down too far. An air pot is drying as much from the sides as the top so you might be going down as low as 30% moisture content. Really you should be using weight and not two inch depth as the guide as when to water/fertigate.

I would also be using a surfactant such as Yucca powder when you do water/fertigate in case some of that outer soil on the sides of the pot has become hydrophobic.

BioBizz Light will be holding your nutrients a little longer and you may want to go to a water, water. fertigate, repeat schedule.

The plant is growing rapidly also and this will use a lot of water as well.

Will look into a wetting agent.
Plant isn't really using a lot of water. 4-5 days before it needs more so doing a water, water, feed schedual will prob lead to deficiency