Indoor NL Auto-1-plant-grow transition to AutoCob and MegaCrop.

A couple of weeks is my guess. But you need to evaluate it. You want all milky and no trichs that look like swartzkopf crystals lol

Sent from my comfy chair
Oh well...that's what I had figured anyway. Nov 14 is my target date.

What's a "swartzkopf crystal"?
Doze iz bootifool.

I know that my "other" plants don't get a lot of press lol...I thought I'd give an update.
Day 39 for the larger NL auto. It's been preflowering since day 30 or so. It's getting huge and today I noticed a bit of purple stem and yellow leaf so I decided to give the first dose of Cal-Mag and MegaCrop. 4tsp to 5 gallons of water for the Cal-Mag and 2gms to 5 gallons of water for the MegaCrop. I'd like to start slow and avoid the mistakes of my first grow :)

Day 25 for the Blueberry Auto. Both are hooked up to the same Autopot System.

they'll have to survive out in the basement tent for another week or so until the main plant is chopped.

here they are. It's hard to even see the Blueberry because the NL is so big.

Day 78:

I put the second AutoCob in the tent because the freaking bush is so wide that the outer edges don't get a lot of light. I put the old Blurple in the other tent with the Blueberry and NL plant to come next.

Meanwhile, the buds are fattening up so I'm's pure torture!Only giving bloom nutes now along with Sweet Candy.
Should be about another week and a half or two weeks.


Sent from my comfy chair
Day 84 and I think we'll be harvesting this weekend!
I see some amber trichomes!
I have company coming in for Thanksgiving and I'd like to keep the grow stealth so I have to move the whole shebang down to the basement again. I was hoping that I could just harvest this plant and hang it in the basement and it appears that yes...I'll be able to.

What do you think? I see some amber trichomes. Now...these are off the topmost buds so they are the ripest. I guess I'll have to check the middle buds to to make a decision but I'd really like to wrap this one up before the weekend is over.

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