Outdoor Nightshade in a Raised Bed.

I'd say it's probably too late to top it. I would expect it to be starting to flower by now so there may not be time for it to recover properly if you top it. I topped mine the first time when it was about 2' high, and again a couple week later. I would try and bend it a little, but given the size of that stalk, I don't know if it will bend much.

Good luck with her Muddy. I will be interested to see how she does inside. I grew this one on your recommendation. I gave one to my friend from the breeder's club to see how he liked it.. If you were me heaven forbid for your sake. Would you top it or try to bend it over.
I tried an hour ago to bend it. It told me to F--- O== I ain't bending. It was like trying to bend a small poplar. I could just cut the top off and then we would know if it can be topped at this late date. It is still growing but not flowering. Oh what the hell I'm going out and cut the top off. It is sticking up way too high for and I might as well be putting a sign on it that says steal me. I gave my friend my L.A. Confidential male to breed with Nigerian Skunk you can all guess what that is. Someone came and dug up the male and stole it. Very stupid new batch of thieves we got coming up. They need a better pot stealing school in the prisons these days.

I'd say it's probably too late to top it. I would expect it to be starting to flower by now so there may not be time for it to recover properly if you top it. I topped mine the first time when it was about 2' high, and again a couple week later. I would try and bend it a little, but given the size of that stalk, I don't know if it will bend much.
Well I topped her. I took a foot off the top. I guess I will be waiting until the en d of august to see how she fares with the late topping. It has grown another 6 inches since the pictures. Now it was over 7 feet high. Way too high for my liking. I don't know what I will do next year. If I really like it I will start topping it early and often. If I don't really like it I will give the box back to the Afghani X Nigerian cross that is smelling like a lemonny skunk upstairs on the balcony. So many serious choices in life. Way more interesting than the Barrok/ Mitt choice for sure.

I went out to visit my stinky seed project. Man does that smell already with the two of them. Smells as bad as a male goat spryed by a skunk. I don't know if I ever remember smelling that but it is what it brought o mind. Next week it is brushclearing around the honeymoon couple and pouring cement. I want cooler weather to do it in or it is going to be many trips to the pool.
From the looks of that beast I doubt the late topping will hurt much, maybe just exchange that big top cola for a couple of smaller ones. Looks like you've got plenty of other nice bud sites.

I was just reading an article on topping outdoor photos. The author suggests topping the first time at node 5 or 6, then topping the two new shoots again when they have 4 or 5 nodes, then the 4 new ones again at 4 or 5 nodes. Only top the main stems, not any side branches, and no more than 3 or 4 toppings. I'm going to give that a try on the photos I just started. I only have about 4' total height to work with, so want them low and bushy.

LOL on the goat sprayed by a skunk. You'd stink pretty bad too if you pissed on yourself all the time!
I cut three tops off which took about a foot off of the height and I went out and measured the damn thing again this afternoon and it but six inches of height back on. What the hell. The side branches are also widening out. It is starting to look like a pounder for sure. Hey Muddy what vaporiser did you buy. I watched the womens socker game against Great Britain. I see the U.S.A. won also so Canada will play them to see who goes to the gold cup game. What fun on our new high def tv and satellite receiver. Did you watch it.

From the looks of that beast I doubt the late topping will hurt much, maybe just exchange that big top cola for a couple of smaller ones. Looks like you've got plenty of other nice bud sites.

I was just reading an article on topping outdoor photos. The author suggests topping the first time at node 5 or 6, then topping the two new shoots again when they have 4 or 5 nodes, then the 4 new ones again at 4 or 5 nodes. Only top the main stems, not any side branches, and no more than 3 or 4 toppings. I'm going to give that a try on the photos I just started. I only have about 4' total height to work with, so want them low and bushy.

LOL on the goat sprayed by a skunk. You'd stink pretty bad too if you pissed on yourself all the time!
No, I haven't watched any of the Olympics yet. For whatever reason, it just hasn't caught my attention this time around. Plus I've been busy with other things.

I got an Extreme Q 4.0 vaporizer. This one has a fan to fill bags, which my old one didn't have. I could have cared less but the Mrs. wanted the bags. My old one is going to the person with MS that I've been helping.

You should be able to tie down some of those secondary branches. That may help a bit with the height on that plant.
The one I was using has a fan and mask or a whip. I must admit I liked the higher setting around 225C which made a little smoke and tasted more like pot. Alas I fear I will just always be a joint man. My wife really liked it. It did vaporise some pot that was not good burning in a joint and I liked that. Itr keeps the edibles down to 1/4 freezer full.

No, I haven't watched any of the Olympics yet. For whatever reason, it just hasn't caught my attention this time around. Plus I've been busy with other things.

I got an Extreme Q 4.0 vaporizer. This one has a fan to fill bags, which my old one didn't have. I could have cared less but the Mrs. wanted the bags. My old one is going to the person with MS that I've been helping.

You should be able to tie down some of those secondary branches. That may help a bit with the height on that plant.
Took in a Night Shade photo yesterday. Got her clupped and drying in a paper bag. My style of curing. I got them sorted into three sizes: decent bag size like you find in dispenseries, wicked tiny6 goes into my make oil crock pot and small but smokable that I dry in the food dehydrator for the road test. Want a roadtest anyone?
oooooohh yes please Nelson Road Test whooo :crying: shame im in the u.k :D
The one I took in is the smaller of the two. The big one is still growing I think. I think it will yield a ton. I need a pot bailer.