New Grower Nicks First Auto Grow Journal.

Take off the yellow leaves as soon as you can, get as much light in there as you can. Some people don't flush others two weeks min, I do about a week. You did real good and you will get better, autos are just plain fun.
Day 67 pics

Here they r. These are the best I could get. Hopefully I will reach my 2 dryed zips per plant. Let me know what ya think. 20140509_171648.jpg20140509_171654.jpg20140509_171641.jpg20140509_171701.jpg
looking point on! hard to tell with the lights on, but if there is still lot's of green leave's and is still putting out white pistil's, let her keep going.:grin::Sharing One:once you start giving them plain water,the leave's will deterioate until they are all yellow, as the buds feed off of the leave's:clap:great first auto grow!
Thank you, I am starting one of the dragons you gave me along with the test seeds I am journaling. It is in the dope seeds section. I look forward in trying theses out!!!

Sorry to drag up an old post but i was curious what dry yield you ended up getting? I'm looking to possibly grow for my first time and this strain (or its baby 2 fast 2 vast) caught my attention to grow. From your journal and Xcessive's it seems like a relatively easy strain to grow, or is it more finicky than i picked up on? Also did you LST the ladies or just let them do what they naturally do?

Thanks for your help!
They are a great plant to start with. They were pretty grower friendly!!! I ended up with almost a qp from two plants. Very good smoke as well.
How big did they get? I know you used a 5 gal pot which would allow them to get bigger than the 2 or 3 gal buckets i plan on using but I'm wanting to grow in a 3.5'x2' 4 or 5' tall box and some of the pictures i've seen make it seem like they'll outgrow that especially if I try and do 3 plants
they got close to 4ft. I didnt measure that. I have plenty of head room. You might be cutting it a little close. What are you using for lights?
I just made a larger flower room actually. I just placed three autos under a 1000 watt hps. They are loving life now. Check out my new journal on the short stuff seeds forum here on
I more meant width wise on the plants, I'm planning on actually building a PVC pipe and panda film box so I can adjust the height thats no problem, i just dont want to add much more sqfootage. Well I was going to run CFL's but someone posted in my forum about an old mars hydro LED and I had looked for LED's but everything was like $300 but the one i saw was for $100 which isnt too bad. so I think I'm going to try and run a mars hydro 300W LED. only problem is i thought you needed at least 2k lumens per sqft and it barely pumps that out for my size box