Apr 16, 2011
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It is with pride and excitement that I am introducing the GREEN-O-MATIC

For the last two years we had a lot of demand for an autoflowering strain, and after a lot of work, we are now almost ready to launch the first 100% feminized autoflowering Green House Strain.

It will be in packaging very soon, and on sale in February on the Green House web-shop (no sales of seeds to USA, sorry!), and in the growshops across Europe by March.

The realm of the autoflowering strains is populated by a great variety of contenders, but the real difference in the outcome of the product is not easy to spot. The idea behind an autoflowering strain is derived from two very distinct yet interconnected concepts: security and timing.
Autoflowering strains guarantee a low profile thanks to the small size and fast flowering time, allowing growers to operate in very small spaces indoor or in otherwise impossible conditions outdoors (urban terraces, guerrilla outdoor grows). But it is the timing issue that makes these strains uniquely interesting for all kind of growers, from the personal user up to the money maker. In fact thanks to the autoflowering characteristics it is possible to flower during any photoperiod, allowing crops to come in at times when outdoor production is not possible otherwise.
The GREEN-O-MATIC genetics represent the best autoflowering on the market, stable, fast, reliable. Contrary to most autoflowering strains, the GREEN-O-MATIC is not only short in size and short in flowering time. It is also a true photoperiod-unrelated flowering strain.
This differentiation is the most important one: the true autoflowering trait derived from Ruderalis genetics is here preserved in all its efficiency. These girls flower as soon as they have reached sexual maturity and do not reverse into vegetative growth, no matter how long the days will get.
It is a true improvement from the many existing strains that can flower in less than 60 days and stay short, but still react to changes in the photoperiod.
Having tested these genetics under very different conditions, both indoors and outdoors,
It is clear that the formation of the flower clusters follows the sexual development of the seedling, and begins when the plants are 10 to 15 cm tall and have developed 3-5 small internodes (averaging 3-4 cm). From this moment on, the metabolic functions of the plants are fully dedicated to flowering, independently from the photoperiod.
The aroma of the GREEN-O-MATIC is already kicking at week 4-5 of flowering, and the resin becomes frosty and thick at week 6. The total grow and flowering time is under 8 weeks, but in purely commercial operations harvesting is possible after just 7 weeks. The sweet indica smell, with a flowery bouquet and a slightly spicy background, is very complex.
The main advantage indoors is that the small size (30-40 cm at harvest) allows splitting normal size rooms in 2 grow floors, doubling production per square meter. Outdoors the GREEN-O-MATIC is very easy to camouflage, even during times when there is less vegetation around.
Planting is possible at any time of the year as long as the temperature does not drop below 15 degrees Celsius at night. In places like the Mediterranean coastline (or any round-the-year mild climate) it is possible to plant in almost every month.
The cannabinoid profile of the GREEN-O-MATIC is complex, and not too far from the White family. It is a mostly indica feeling, stoned and fast-hitting. The cerebral side of the high shows itself but never prevails, and smooth feeling it leaves is a very pleasant one. Medicinally this strain has not been evaluated yet, so we will use the feedback from the next months to build a database of information about the uses of the strain.
Besides, in April 2010 a complete terpenes and cannabinoid profile will be available on http://www.greenhouseseeds.com for free download (tests are being performed between now and March 2010).
The GREEN-O-MATIC is dedicated to all urban outdoor growers, to all guerrilla growers, and to all those who need a short, fast, reliable autoflowering strain. With the 100% quality guarantee you only get from Green House seed Company.

I found this online and thought this write up may interest you guys,I'm currently growing this strain and I enjoyed reading it :-)
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nice model to a how-to on write ups about the strain you grow and how it has performed for you. or maybe when a market is available.
The GOM is a beautiful strain to grow in my honest opinion, wow, well done to the creators of this auto strain :clap: I had 2 GOMs going, one did very well, the other grew into the lights and burnt its' head, lol


sorry i no you posted this a few months ago but may i ask what kinda lights you used ive currently i just sprouted 2 of thos bad boys my self im just curious because those plants look amazing
Grew some of the GOMs from GHS a couple of years ago...fluffy buds compared to some others but was a nice skunky smell growing and prettty good taste after curing....
sorry i no you posted this a few months ago but may i ask what kinda lights you used ive currently i just sprouted 2 of thos bad boys my self im just curious because those plants look amazing

Dunno if your question is/was for me but anyways, I used a 240w LFG Spectrabox LED light for the GOM grow - thumbs up from me for the LEDs all the way!! :D
can anyone here help me with my green o matic grow plz. can you grow them under a 45wt cfl bulb for their entire life? Basically will they flower under that light?