New Grower Newbie seeking knowledge

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There are several good options open to you, LEDs, CFLs, T5s and HPS. Each has it's pros and cons. LEDs are more expensive upfront but use less electricity and run cooler. CFLs are relatively inexpensive, but do generate some heat. The new high output T5s, like the Quantum Bad Boys, work very well but are more expensive than HPS, but less than LEDs. They also put out a bit of heat. HPS are the most common and least expensive. But they generate a lot of heat so require excellent ventilation.

Everyone of the ones I've listed are being used by a variety of growers here. I would suggest you go to the indoor forum and read through some of the grow journals there. No only will you find information about the various lights but also information on how different grow areas are set up, how they are ventilated, and the results people are getting from those particular lights.
I've never been crazy about UFOs. Most are under powered and the round light dispersal doesn't work well in a rectangular grow space. You can buy a Blackstar 240 LED for about $275. It will cover a 2' x 3' area pretty well, enough to grow about 4 plants. You will still need ventilation and odor control but it will be much easier to deal with in a closet than an HPS with all it's heat.