New Grower newbie please help

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hey i have some auto ak 47 grass o matic comin in from attitude seed whats best way to germ them?i have 400watt mh/hps can i start seedlings under the MH?if yes how far should my light be?im also using 3gal pots is that ok?should i plant directly into 3gal pots ??? i have FFOF can i start seedlings in that soil?should i mix that soil with anyting else?what and how much?im also using GH floraduo how should i start my nutes and when? very new to this and just need some good advice ive heard alot of good things about this...PLEASE HELP:toke:
There are many ways to start seeds. I start a lot of them so I will tell youmy way. Others will have great ways of starting them and I will let them tell you their methods.

I simply use Jiffy pucks. They are little disks of dry stuff that come in 3 sizes. I use the medium. You just soak them in some water, about 1/2 " of water in a pie plate works well. They expand up to about 10 times there original size. I poke a little hole in the middle of the puck about 3/8 of an inch deep with a pencil and drop the seed into the hole. Then I close the hole up with my fingers. It is a good idea to keep a spray bottle handy with some water in it so the pucks don't dry out. They should always feel damp but not dripping wet.

I put my seeded pucks into a covered seed starting tray. I use a plant heating pad to keep the tray warm about 80 degrees F works well. Any warm place will really do like on a radiator with an oven tray underneath them as long as the radiator doesn't get two hot to the touch. Don't overheat and keep them there until they sprout. After they sprout I add about 10% coffee to the water to prevent damping off. Others will suggest other damping off solutions. They probably work just as well but I just use coffee. No fertilizers for the first two weeks until the sprouts start to put on leaves. After they put on leaves you can start to plant them in whatever media you are going to use.

I have had problems with planting directly into soil. I have also used peat pots with pro mix and that works well also. I just hate ripping the bottoms off the pots as the roots don't penetrate the bottom as well as they do with Jiffy pucks. Maybe some of the others like Muddy will weigh in he always has good advice.

hey i have some auto ak 47 grass o matic comin in from attitude seed whats best way to germ them?i have 400watt mh/hps can i start seedlings under the MH?if yes how far should my light be?im also using 3gal pots is that ok?should i plant directly into 3gal pots ??? i have FFOF can i start seedlings in that soil?should i mix that soil with anyting else?what and how much?im also using GH floraduo how should i start my nutes and when? very new to this and just need some good advice ive heard alot of good things about this...PLEASE HELP:toke:
hey i have some auto ak 47 grass o matic comin in from attitude seed whats best way to germ them?i have 400watt mh/hps can i start seedlings under the MH?if yes how far should my light be?im also using 3gal pots is that ok?should i plant directly into 3gal pots ??? i have FFOF can i start seedlings in that soil?should i mix that soil with anyting else?what and how much?im also using GH floraduo how should i start my nutes and when? very new to this and just need some good advice ive heard alot of good things about this...PLEASE HELP:toke:

Bro, You should PM Muddy or Joe Dirt. They are great with new growers. Not that other folks here don't have good advice, but PM those guys and they will basically hold your hand through the grow. They did it for me and I still need my hand held (so to speak) I value their advice greatly.
Welcome to the forum. There are many different methods to germ seeds that work well. I like to soak mine in pHed water for 12 - 36 hours until the seeds crack and the tap root starts to show, then plant them 1/2" deep into my soil. Others like to place theirs between a couple of moist paper towels, put that into a zip lock bag, and wait till they crack and grow a tap root, then into their soil. Straight FFOF can be too hot for seedlings. Most here who are using it are mixing it 50/50 with some Happy Frog or Light Warrior. Three gallon pots are fine and what most of us are using. As far as the lights, the 400 watt MH is fine. They can get pretty hot, so keep them up above the seedlings for awhile, about 18" or so. Once the seedlings get a couple sets of true leaves you can lower them down some. The FFOF mix has a lot of nutrients in it, usually enough for the first 3 weeks or so. After that you can start with mild vegetative nutes, 1/4 strength, slowly increasing it.

Besides the 400 watt lights, what is the rest of your setup? Tent, closet, ventilation, etc. Want to make sure you've got all that lined up correctly so you can avoid any potential issues.
basement set up.4x2x5 (LWH) mylar reflective walls,ducting hooked to cooltube and 6' inline fan to cool the cooltube ducting the heat outside. is that ok or should i be using more methods of cooling my grow room basement is pretty cool already so heat might not be a problem??Thank you all for the help i would love for you all to walk me threw this process i just want to make the best product and dont want to make all the newbie mistakes i have money so if you suggest anything to me dont keep money in mind cuz i have it so just let me to i rate you guys??? muddy your like a autoflower GOD.++rep
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how much water should i give my plants and when i never got the concept of that sorry if i sound dumb but i get mixed siginals on these fourms about watering beginning/end......Thanks
Don't over water seedlings get a sprayer and just damp the the soil when it gets dry and as thet get older u can give them a bit more a good way to tell is stick ur finger down the the side of the pot in to the soil if it feels dry give a feed but if still Damp then leave as plants get bigger they drink a lot of water I feed mine very 2 to 3 days now hope this helps and if I have missed anthing people will tell more cheers
Thanks, I appreciate that. Your setup sounds good. You should be able control your temperatures with that. Did you also get a carbon filter?

basement set up.4x4 mylar reflective walls,ducting hooked to cooltube and 6' inline fan to cool the cooltube ducting the heat outside. is that ok or should i be using more methods of cooling my grow room basement is pretty cool already so heat might not be a problem??Thank you all for the help i would love for you all to walk me threw this process i just want to make the best product and dont want to make all the newbie mistakes i have money so if you suggest anything to me dont keep money in mind cuz i have it so just let me to i rate you guys??? muddy your like a autoflower GOD.++rep
I like to water by the weight of my pots. I get a feel for them when they are dry and don't water again till they feel that way. Small plants don't use as much water and nutrients but by the time they are a few weeks old, you'll probably be watering ever 3-4 days.

how much water should i give my plants and when i never got the concept of that sorry if i sound dumb but i get mixed siginals on these fourms about watering beginning/end......Thanks