Grow Mediums Newbie Autopot Grow

May 6, 2021
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Hey everyone, I’m completely new to growing and am trying an autopot grow for my first grow. This all seems kind of crazy and I dove headfirst into this thing so any tips or help would be greatly appreciated.

my main question would be regarding nutrients and a nutrient schedule. I’ve been led down the flora flex nutrient line but am now eyeing up the mega crop 2 part nutrients. What would be the simplest and easiest to use for a beginner with auto pots? (Other nutrient schedules, etc are more than welcome). I’m mainly looking for something simple, and won’t have a high risk of clogging the auto pots

My setup is a 2x4x6 Mars hydro tent, ac in-line fan, carbon filter, Mars TSL 2000 light (not even sure how far away it needs to be or does it differ at different stages?). I also have a couple fans, humidifier, and misc items like a timer, ppm checker, ph checker, etc.

My plan is to go clay pebbles at bottom of my 2 auto pots (non fabric pots and the 3 gallon sized ones...or they’re around that size), coco brick for the medium and then autoflower northern lights femenized seeds.

Thanks! And I’m up in Canada if that changes any suggestions.
:welcome: Hi @Bonzerchicken and welcome to AFN! :welcome:

I'm on my 2nd AutoPot grow, so I'm still learning too. I used too much perlite in the bottom of my AutoPot, (trying to cover up the air domes), and the roots had trouble trying to suck up the nutrients. I know you didn't mention air domes, but just be careful and don't put too many clay pebbles at the bottom of your container. I use MegaCrop and have had good results with it. I have the original MC formula that I use during veg and switch over to Part A of the 2 Part MC formula during flower. Anyways, good luck and I'll be following along. :goodluck::pass:

You can check out my current grow here.
Hey everyone, I’m completely new to growing and am trying an autopot grow for my first grow. This all seems kind of crazy and I dove headfirst into this thing so any tips or help would be greatly appreciated.

my main question would be regarding nutrients and a nutrient schedule. I’ve been led down the flora flex nutrient line but am now eyeing up the mega crop 2 part nutrients. What would be the simplest and easiest to use for a beginner with auto pots? (Other nutrient schedules, etc are more than welcome). I’m mainly looking for something simple, and won’t have a high risk of clogging the auto pots

My setup is a 2x4x6 Mars hydro tent, ac in-line fan, carbon filter, Mars TSL 2000 light (not even sure how far away it needs to be or does it differ at different stages?). I also have a couple fans, humidifier, and misc items like a timer, ppm checker, ph checker, etc.

My plan is to go clay pebbles at bottom of my 2 auto pots (non fabric pots and the 3 gallon sized ones...or they’re around that size), coco brick for the medium and then autoflower northern lights femenized seeds.

Thanks! And I’m up in Canada if that changes any suggestions.
Welcome to grower's land! :bighug:Here is a reference for you, hope it can help.


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:welcome: Hi @Bonzerchicken and welcome to AFN! :welcome:

I'm on my 2nd AutoPot grow, so I'm still learning too. I used too much perlite in the bottom of my AutoPot, (trying to cover up the air domes), and the roots had trouble trying to suck up the nutrients. I know you didn't mention air domes, but just be careful and don't put too many clay pebbles at the bottom of your container. I use MegaCrop and have had good results with it. I have the original MC formula that I use during veg and switch over to Part A of the 2 Part MC formula during flower. Anyways, good luck and I'll be following along. :goodluck::pass:

You can check out my current grow here.
I will check it out! Might have to copy some of your stuff since it’ll be wayyy better than what I attempt.
So a little change of plans. Out in Canada it’s a little tough to get the mega crop nute lineup. So now I’m eyeing either flora flex base or green planets GP3.

any recommendations or reviews of how either of these worked with auto pots?
So a little change of plans. Out in Canada it’s a little tough to get the mega crop nute lineup. So now I’m eyeing either flora flex base or green planets GP3.

any recommendations or reviews of how either of these worked with auto pots?
Just be sure that whichever you choose specifically states that it can be used for hydroponics. :pass:
Hey everyone, I’m completely new to growing and am trying an autopot grow for my first grow. This all seems kind of crazy and I dove headfirst into this thing so any tips or help would be greatly appreciated.

my main question would be regarding nutrients and a nutrient schedule. I’ve been led down the flora flex nutrient line but am now eyeing up the mega crop 2 part nutrients. What would be the simplest and easiest to use for a beginner with auto pots? (Other nutrient schedules, etc are more than welcome). I’m mainly looking for something simple, and won’t have a high risk of clogging the auto pots

My setup is a 2x4x6 Mars hydro tent, ac in-line fan, carbon filter, Mars TSL 2000 light (not even sure how far away it needs to be or does it differ at different stages?). I also have a couple fans, humidifier, and misc items like a timer, ppm checker, ph checker, etc.

My plan is to go clay pebbles at bottom of my 2 auto pots (non fabric pots and the 3 gallon sized ones...or they’re around that size), coco brick for the medium and then autoflower northern lights femenized seeds.

Thanks! And I’m up in Canada if that changes any suggestions.
MoG is working up a 2 part feeding regimen now getting it dialed in..he's got a thread on it.
Alright I am ready to start my first grow!

got me jacks nutrients that i will be using and some coco from Canna mix with perlite.

I am not entirely sure how to germinate and start the seedlings out but my plan is this:
1) start with the paper towel method (in a warm dark place).
2) Once the shell breaks and a 1.25cm tail appears i will be putting that into a jiffy pellet. (Not positive where best to put this pellet)
3) once a head appears I will turn the light on and transplant to a solo cup (do i cover this to keep humidity in?
4) once it gets a little larger i will transplant to the auto pots and keep hand watering until roots get far enough down to turn on the autopots

Does this sound correct? Im not sure how my feeding for coco will go when not in autopots but i will jsut follow what jacks states and leave my lights at 25% about 18 inches away.
Following along here...planning on a 4 pot system next month...sounds like your on the right track...the key to the magic is getting a healthy plant in and the system on...hoping its reasonably painless

good luck...grow some fire :)