Live Stoner Chat New to the forum

Welcome! I’m new as well to indoor and autos. I started a journal today with some Northern Light beans. I grew organic outdoors and that’s the path I’m trying here. I’m retired and growing my own medicine is good as it gets. ☮
Ok cool ill come find ya ill start up tonight when I have more time to post. Today's pic and water day for the girls anyway
:welcome: And best of luck. you have landed in the right spot for auto's thats for sure. :woohoo:just hollar if ya need anything.
How do I get into a battle. Is there any new ones coming up
Goid morning all. New to this forum old to growing. Looking for a friendly forum for auto lovers and hoping this is it. Its hard to deal with the auto haters on other sites that can barley grow a chia pet with all their expensive nutes. Well I hope to have some fun and share some info with you all.

heya @KTM690 and :welcome: to afn! :toke: fear not, the gang around here def grow more than chia petz, for sure, lol :rofl: it'z a most helpful & friendly commune here & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

:420: :bong: