Outdoor New to forums need advice.

Feb 23, 2018
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Currently Smoking
Lemon Haze
Hi guys im new to the forum so apologies if i posted this thread in a wrong place. My friend has recommended this website to me. As this will be my 2nd season growing outdors id like to learn a bit more of what to do and do not. Last year i have grown Lemon haze photo plants. I had them in a ground and they grew over 2 metres high with lots of yield at the end of season. This year i have decided to go for autos. I have ordered white widow autoflowers from holland. I have seeds at home now and looking forward to start germinating soon. I do have one question to start with. When i got my seeds one of the instruction on how to germinate those seeds was that i should use a Miracle gro compost. But again couple of friends that grow said that the MG 6months feed enriched compost is actually bad for the flowering stage of cannabis plants.... whats true on this and what would be the best soil alternative to grow healthy and thriving plants outdoors in pots?? Thank you guys
Hi guys im new to the forum so apologies if i posted this thread in a wrong place. My friend has recommended this website to me. As this will be my 2nd season growing outdors id like to learn a bit more of what to do and do not. Last year i have grown Lemon haze photo plants. I had them in a ground and they grew over 2 metres high with lots of yield at the end of season. This year i have decided to go for autos. I have ordered white widow autoflowers from holland. I have seeds at home now and looking forward to start germinating soon. I do have one question to start with. When i got my seeds one of the instruction on how to germinate those seeds was that i should use a Miracle gro compost. But again couple of friends that grow said that the MG 6months feed enriched compost is actually bad for the flowering stage of cannabis plants.... whats true on this and what would be the best soil alternative to grow healthy and thriving plants outdoors in pots?? Thank you guys

Hey great to meet another outdoor guy!!
I can help you bud. Check this guide out! https://www.autoflower.org/t...r-autos-guide-to-growing-under-the-sun.56402/

Also, take a read of this article

Photoperiod plants


Assuming MG=Miracle Grow, honestly i would avoid MG. Not just for the performance, but also who they are. Scotts Miracle grow is owned by the enemy of farmers and growers everywhere, Monsanto.
Hmm ok i did not knew who they are thats a shame because i already have 300L sitting indoors ... . Everything is ready. All i m waiting for right now is fornthe weather to wam up a bit... Last year i was using normal (cheap) all purpose compost and everything went well. I started of with 3 photo plants. Ended up with 2 in the end due to one breaking in high winds took 6 months from start to finish. I Live in London and only have very limited space to grow (50 square metre garden). So the struggle with space is a problem.... I will go through your guides tonight before bed. Thank you for your reply. Im sure ill be back for more answers soon. thanks a lot
Firstly, welcome welcome! There are a lot of people with a looot of knowledge around here that are happy to give some advice.

Secondly, Im looking forward to your journal, please tag me in it!

Peace out and positive vibes brother.