New spider farmer sp4000 450 watts

Right when I put the light what it is 2 of the plants leaves went down like not perky almost dead French try look …is that too much light ?
In the picture you posted the plants look healthy and happy. If you look up "suki's perpetual growathon" here on afn. She has some time lapse of her plants. You can see how they perk up and droop then perk up again in a 24hr cycle.
Maybe there ajdustong from 250 hps to 450 watt metal halide
I tagged you in one of my grows. Both 5x5s I run have 600+ watts each. I run 24 hr light from start to finish(autos) I start seedlings out at 40 inches 100% power and let them grow to the light. When they get to close for comfort(18-24 inches) I raise it back up to 30-32inches. So on autoflowers I wont have to raise the lights for 3-4 weeks from seedling. By week 5 im in flower and trying to maintain the 18-24 inches. Sometimes further depending on how sensitive they are to light.
You think I should leave the spider farmer 40000 on 24 hours a day …. Since there autos….don’t a little dark help I heard 20/4 was best I’m currently doing 21 hours on 3 hours off
You think I should leave the spider farmer 40000 on 24 hours a day …. Since there autos….don’t a little dark help I heard 20/4 was best I’m currently doing 21 hours on 3 hours off
I run 24 hrs mainly because it's still cold here and it's easier to maintain my room temps. Works fine for me. But 21/3 will work good also.
I tagged you in one of my grows. Both 5x5s I run have 600+ watts each. I run 24 hr light from start to finish(autos) I start seedlings out at 40 inches 100% power and let them grow to the light. When they get to close for comfort(18-24 inches) I raise it back up to 30-32inches. So on autoflowers I wont have to raise the lights for 3-4 weeks from seedling. By week 5 im in flower and trying to maintain the 18-24 inches. Sometimes further depending on how sensitive they are to light.
Excellent! Thanks a BUNCH Grimmus!