Indoor New seeds are here

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okay so as some of you may know i literaly steamed my last batch of auto seeds on a heating pad. not cool i no im an asshole. so iemaild world of seeds and they hooked it up with some new ones ... only thing is. theres two photos and only 1 auto..
la Bella Afrodita.

my question to you guys and gals s how shall i grow this as i can only grow the one i want it to be a monster. please any infor on pot size is key. i have genral organics go box, i got ffof for soil (wich is a little on the hot side) and my set up is in my album :lol:take a look.
First of all how are you going to germ these?are you only growing one Ididn' quite understand that.If your only doing one do the photo.soak themin water for one to two days then put them in paper towels in a warm dark place until the tap root is out about 1/8 to 3/8 of an inch . Take some of your ffof out of middle of your pot ,about one cup and replace with plain seed starting mix or plain peat,than place see with tap root down in the soil so just the very top of the seed is showing.gently firm soil around seed so you can just barely see the top ,and gently give it a litle water.cover with some saran wrap to keep it moist and put it under your lights. In two to three days it should pop.Don't fert for a couple weeks and then only half strength. pot size depends on what kind of plant it is ,auto=2 to 3 gal. photos 3 to 5 gallon.
Biggest pot possible - which in your tent I'd say is about 15ltrs.

Right.. so.. maximisation ideas..

Aside from the usual.. get the environment as close to possible as perfect (significantly improves yield later on).. keep temps as close as possible between 20-25c at all times.. blah blah.

You can try germing it in a coir pot filled with a light ec soil and plant that directly into the final pot with stronger soil. Get the roots off to a good start before they break through the coir pot and hit the hot FF soil and it'll avoid any burning, thus stress, thus yield-theft later on..

I'd also LST it from about week 2 (or third nodes developing) to redirect the auxins and create a fatter stem (more nute uptake) and encourage some early bottom branches to turn into proper colas later on.

The more I read about auto's root-systems and the way they affect their flowering trigger, the more it seems that 1 grown in a massive pot should produce more yield than 2 in half the sized pot.

Apply some early LST to really get light to the lower sites and you'll be looking after a pretty solid top canopy in that tent fella. Hopefully. ;)

That's about all I can think of right now fella but if anything else surfaces I'll be sure to bore you death with it later on ;)
thanks for the replie namvet. i have 1 auto seed that i wana grow indoors cause i beive in my tent it will be out grown for sure but check my album for th epic i have. my tents 1.5 foot by 1.5 foot by 4 foot tall. im rocking a 100w black star 2x13w 2700k warm cfl complimented by 1x23w birght white 6400k . i just grew y griga an it stuffed it ( sativa dom) i lteraly had to snap the plant in half and tie it down to itself just t get it to work. and it did hahah. until i pulled it 40 days earlie to make room for the auto seeds i just steamed not to long ago.. now i got my new batch of seeds and they go as follows.

1x tangerine dream fem. photo
1x pineapple chunk fem photo
1x northern lights blue fem photo
1x nothhern lights x skunk fem photo
1x afgahn kush x skunk fem photo

and my one lonely
1x La Bella Afrodita Fem Auto

as for all those photos i live in jersey and its dencly populated to say the least. so growing out doors on public land is probably one of the biggest no nos i can think of,although my buddy owns a couple heavily wooded acers ( cant walk through forced to crawl dueto hwo thick it is) and i have pondurd growing them there but then you runt he risk of that " buddy" being not so great of a buddy come theres my sitcuation. my grow set up and my seeds.. tell me what you would do hahah
noe bore sesshis here i intregead on all levels. (lthough i cant spell for shit) what about scrogg??
You could technically scrog it.. but with such a short veg period all you'd really be doing is opening up the stems to light in the same way as LST'ing. LST would be less hassle I reckon and produce better results.

Also, because your tent is small, and the walls close to the sides of the plant, you'll get good use of all the light bouncing around.

yeah the last plant i had i literaly had to snap half way and tie it to its self. she was a photo sativa strain called y griega and it seriously stretched 2 feet in height ant 10 inches in width. so im familiar with tying hahaha what size pot you thinking i got a 1.7 galon black plastic or i have 4 smaller 2.7 liter pots im thinking start it in a big gulp and cut the bottom of into the 1.7 gal. what do you guys or girls all think? i also have the coconut hair or choir or what ever the hell you want to call it should i start it in that and let the rutes poke out and shove that in the 1.7???