If your worried about sterilization there are several products I have learned of from restaurant work and other jobs I have had that will help you out.
I assume spore could get stuck in resin on the walls of the jar so the first thing i would do in an attempt to sterilize any jar is hit it with 90% isopropyl rubbing alchohol and salt. seal some of that in the jar and shake it vigourously for a few minutes. the resin is soluble in alchohol so, it will help get rid of that sticky feeling on the inside of the jar. the salt will not dissolve in alchohol so, it acts as abrasive to help the alchohol in stripping layers of resin off. I used a jar that I had previously used as a stash jar for curing last month and it was a disaster!
the next thing i would do if your paranoid about microbes even after hitting it with 90% iso is QUAT. quat is short for quaternary amonia. which is short for a ridiculously long scientific name that i wont even bother to try and type out because it's like 6 5 syllable words long! anyways, QUAT is a sanitizer that is ingestible at certain PPM's which makes it ideal for the food industry and places like hospitals that need to sanitize linens etc. You can find QUAT at most restaurant supply stores and you can find more supply stores near you in a phone book. before you ask how do i know there is a store in your area. I don't. But, if you have restaurants in your area i assure you there is one within 10 miles of you.
the bottle recommends a concentration of no more than 400 PPM in water to ensure that it is safe for consumption. Now please don't confuse what I am saying here. don't go chugging a bottle of the stuff by any means. but, you can and will have your plate wiped with it seconds before your meal is served to you at most restaurants that give a shit about presentation. so, i promise you it is safe as most places don't want you sick or dead since you won't come back.
so the TLDR is
step 1) 90% iso and salt
step 2) 400ppm quat in a spray bottle
this will kill EVERYTHING. its a viricide, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti mold!