Live Stoners New here, Preparing for first Led and First Auto :)

Jun 29, 2014
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Hey everyone. So a little bit about me and my situation then I'll tell you what I have planned so far and will probably ask a few questions maybe.
So, first off I'm a 30 something musucian dude in Florida. I've done a few cfl/hps grows with seperate rooms for veg and flower. My first real experience was me living at a house where a guy had already been setup and doing it for a while. All of his grows were really mediocre and he was always pissed about it. Understandably because he had a 1000 watt hps in a nice size walk in closet, about 5x7 feet wide and 8 feet tall probably. The first grow we had about 6 plants the first grow. He was always saying his umbrella hood was bunk, and I believe him because I've literally never seen anybody else use them. He had an awesome exhaust fan blowing in the attic. Looking back the problems were obvious. The guy had throat cancer so before it got bad and I took over, the first grow he did all by himself with me helping and learning and trimming and watering from time to time, but it was his show. But he ended up getting sick and so I think he slacked and wasn't calling on me to pick up the slack and I wasn't always there or aware of the situations. One thing that I know was detremental from the start is we should have transplented them to bigger pots. They were like 2 or 3 gallon plants AND most of plants were these 5 feet tall sativa's and they were in dirt and were certainly root locked by the time I had realized it. So the next grow we did all from seeds, some of it was from excellent weed I had gotten and saved. I had 2 maui's, 1 green crack and 1 purple people eater, which only the people eater was fem and looked healthy. He was growing some clones he got that too that was supposed to be white widow, which wanted grow to the ceiling, and some promising looking short squat hash plants. By the time we were flowering he was taking chemo and I was running the whole show. Long story short, the only plant that came out REALLY decent was the purple people eater. I got about 2 ounces and it was some of the tastiest bud I've ever smoked. The white widow's were very spindly and there weren't thick buds, but you could see resin glands all over the plant, even on the spindly flowery spots. It was smoke-able as bud, but not what u want, probably could have made a good amount of hash.... Anyways, this has turned into something longer than I wanted, but oh well. Anyways, what I learned from that grow was really just what not to do with non-auto flowering plants. Also, despite me having sympathy for the guy for having cancer, we don't talk anymore cause he really was a huge asshole and I think that has a lot to do with the vibe in the house and the plants ending up fucked too.

Anyways, I tried a few cfl grows that left me with nearly invisible amounts of bud to smoke and that was fucked.

Flash forward to now. I live in Florida where we have a full medical marijuana, cali style, amendment on the ballot for this November. Also, our congress and governor signed a high cbd low thc oil bill this summer. It's for people with epilepsy and grand mal seizures basically a Charlotte's web style bill. I'm still wondering if that will be good or bad coming this November when we go to vote on the real deal bill. Anyways, I can see the Medical Marijuana/the end to prohibition discussion and debate coming to a critical mass in this country and even the world. Jamaica's moving to full legalization of 2 ounces! So, I want to be ahead of the curve as it's something I pretty much feel born to do, but have had trouble finding good places to do it with it being so less than legal.

So, here's the deal. I want to do a small closet grow. 2-3 plants at most. I just recieved a 130 watt ufo, that actually runs at 76 watts, it looks bright. But, i'm thinking that I am going to need something else by the time these plants start flowering. I bought it the day before I found this community and was looking for active discussions on led's for weeks before I found this place. Was on some canadian sites and Anyways, once I found this place I found out about alie express and the nice mars lights and cheap apollo's. Anyways, oh well, moving forward Considering 125 watt cfl's or another cheap but better led. I have a closet and basically just going to by some insulation foam board to cover the closet doors because they are the vented sliding kind of doors. It's a wide closet, think 2 feet deep by 6-7 feet wide and 5 high before u reach the shelf the led will hang from.

I want to use soil. If medical gets legalized here I will probably try my hand at dwc, I just don't want to invest a lot until I feel out the situation here at my residence. Which I own, just yeah. blah. Never purchased good soil, always used trash from home depot. I can find the fox farms ocean stuff and happy frog here in town, but 50$ a bag is a bit expensive for my tastes. I'm wondering how much will that bag do, if i use say 5 gallon buckets? Also, buckets, want to use some decent ones there. Looked at these fabric smart buckets. What's up with those? Any other suggestions?

Now, to my biggest problem. Sourcing beans. I want to try auto, never done it before, and think that it might be a good thing to check out. I live in florida and I don't know anyone growing auto's or selling clones. I've looked on some european sites that claim they ship anywhere. If someone could discretely help me out with that somehow, information or otherwise they will be blessed with respect!
Thanks for reading, have a great day!
Here's some music. Cheers.
Funky Freedom

Fox Farms Happy Frog - Not Ocean Forest - Should be $12 a bag not $50 at Ace Hardware - CHECK pH before planting anything - should be around 6.6.

Low_baller on Amazon - Apollo Horticulture - Great guy, good stuff, fair prices...he carries the TopLED lines of LED lights.

Herbie's for seeds - is the auto specific page.

2 or 3 gallon Airpots - Amazon

That should get you started!

And WELCOME!!!! You can relax found the right place to be! :)
Fox Farms Happy Frog - Not Ocean Forest - Should be $12 a bag not $50 at Ace Hardware - CHECK pH before planting anything - should be around 6.6.

Low_baller on Amazon - Apollo Horticulture - Great guy, good stuff, fair prices...he carries the TopLED lines of LED lights.

Herbie's for seeds - is the auto specific page.

2 or 3 gallon Airpots - Amazon

That should get you started!

And WELCOME!!!! You can relax found the right place to be! :)

Actually, I ordered from Low Ballers Ebay store. Things seem a few dollars cheaper there usually. So I ordered an apollo horticulture 130 watt ufo, that says 90 watts on the back of it, but they don't sell a 90 watt ufo. Anyways on their site they say that the true draw is 76 watts. So, I'm worried I will need more. So am thinking by the time flowering comes, which is a ways off, I can order a 125 cfl or maybe do it right and get a 3-400 watt led.
Thanks on the airpots and setting me str8 on the price of that soil. The local hydro store might have printed a typo or are selling huge bags maybe? Will be checking out that seed store. again. Didn't know if they would ship to me, or the right protocol or way to go about doing that. Obviously would want to have it shipped elsewhere probably eh?
Try he is very helpful. I haven't bought from him yet but he answered all of my questions quickly. He offers stealth shipping to the US from Spain. Welcome!
The 135W runs 90W actual to my knowledge...I am growing my first plant with one of the 135W UFO's (90W actual) and it's going pretty good....if the plant were smaller, it would be going really well. But yes, more light equals better. My 2nd grow will be 2 UFO's and a 96x3W Reflector Series around 380W actual in a 48 x 24 x 60 inch tent.

A lot of low-baller's stuff on Amazon comes with free or very low-priced shipping....IDK if that evens prices out or not. I've just always liked Amazon's ordering platform.

The soil price was for a 12 Qt. bag which is considered a half-bag by most. But still, 2X-$12 is only $24.

Herbie's has a fantastic track record of getting beans where they need to go in the US discreetly. Worst that will happen is Customs will cease them if they find them....
Don't know if Florida is more uptight about that but Customs is at the Federal level. Just pay extra for the Super-Discreet shipping, you'll be fine.

You may investigate alternate payment methods if you don't want to leave a paper trail.


Oh yeah, and I second the Mephisto suggestion. Mitch is a great on the scene but their genetics are looking, and growing out, really nicely!
Thanks, and by alternate you mean, bitcoins maybe?
About the ufo, It was 85$ on Amazon with free shipping and 79.99 free shipping on Ebay, so I said might as well help out my ebay purchasing stats. And from amazon comments it looked like the guy did a good job at support so yeah I went for that same ufo. At first when it arrived I was a little peeved, because from the looks of the box I had got a 90 watt ufo, and it only says on the receipt and on the side of the box that it's 135. And I counted and 2 of the led's were out, which I've been told are u.v. led's which can't be seen? Didn't know about that yet I guess. Anyways, Also, my ufo lights half of the led's up at very low power before either of the switches are thrown. That's plugging it directly into the wall. So, hopefully when I plug it into a timer, it won't be able to draw any power in off mode. Also, the led had scratches on it, like someone had maybe returned it? Which further disturbed me about the two invisible led's, which I've noticed in pictures they advertise with they are also not visible. So, it's whatever, I'm not going to contact him unless the led's stay on even when the timer's off. So trapper do you have a grow journal or any pictures of what your doing with your 135 ufo?
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Thanks, and by alternate you mean, bitcoins maybe?
About the ufo, It was 85$ on Amazon with free shipping and 79.99 free shipping on Ebay, so I said might as well help out my ebay purchasing stats. And from amazon comments it looked like the guy did a good job at support so yeah I went for that same ufo. At first when it arrived I was a little peeved, because from the looks of the box I had got a 90 watt ufo, and it only says on the receipt and on the side of the box that it's 135. And I counted and 2 of the led's were out, which I've been told are u.v. led's which can't be seen? Didn't know about that yet I guess. Anyways, Also, my ufo lights half of the led's up at very low power before either of the switches are thrown. That's plugging it directly into the wall. So, hopefully when I plug it into a timer, it won't be able to draw any power in off mode. Also, the led had scratches on it, like someone had maybe returned it? Which further disturbed me about the two invisible led's, which I've noticed in pictures they advertise with they are also not visible. So, it's whatever, I'm not going to contact him unless the led's stay on even when the timer's off. So trapper do you have a grow journal or any pictures of what your doing with your 135 ufo?

Sounds like a bum light...I only have one bulb (dead center) that 'appears" not to illuminate......

I would definitely contact him....he has a good track record on that sorta stuff.

Yeah, I have a journal, link is in my signature at the bottom of each of my's long, sorry. Maybe start the most recent first and work back...:) Everything is more accurate (game plan) the further it gets along.