Live Stoner Chat New Guy go easy on me.


You obviously know your stuff to get a result like that. Well done on growing a beast of a Forum Stomper. That one is the biggest I have seen grown out!
Thank you
That plant has some more potential in there I'm sure. I missed 7-10 days of early growth when I had some root issues so I know there's more to be to uncover also quite certain that the rest of my game can be improved upon as well.
Thanks to all of you for the kindness and compliments
I really plan to get out more explore this forum and meet you fine folks ,I just have alot going at the moment hopefully that will ease up over the next few weeks. Im really enjoying growing these larger plants the Forum Stomper was my first one in the dwc setup and I have another Mephisto cross Mango Smile × Cosmic Queen around 50 days +/-
Here she is....
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Nice plant bro...... Top job, great root system and excellent stress training. You get a gold star:astar: