New Grower New Growers Your Help is Needed

Dr Fluff

Mighty Powerful, Cure Alls & Snake Oil Elixirs
Cultivators Club
Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
yo arse
Hi to all the New Growers in the forums, we need your help...well actually we need you Votes :D lol

Each month we have a BOM/POM (Bud Of the Month/Plant of the Month) competition.

The competition is made up of some of the best plants in the forum, which are nominated by members of AFN.

These are some of the sexiest plants you gonna see on the interweb and what you will be growing in the future with a little help form the Fammunity here at AFN.

Join the vibe and give your suppport to our BOMmeister Waximus (he works incredibly hard to bring us this competition every month) Hats off to Waxi :toke:

All you have to do is look at the wonderful selection of buds, all shining & glistening with major crystally goodness and once you've stopped drooling over your keyboard, select the best one and vote for it.

Support your brothers and sisters now as it could be you sooner than you think being NOMed in the BOM contest.

The winner of of the BOM wins some free seeds, some kudos for growing such a beautiful plant and a silver cup trophy to go under their avatar, win this comp 3 times and you get a gold cup, there's a few around in the forums, see if you can spot them.:BOMwinner:

The forums here will help you to grow like a champ and once you grow a stunner someone is bound to NOM you, so as a little thank you, Vote now and that karma will come back to you in the future.

It only leaves me to give you a link and a big warm hugs for helping the Fammunity out with your vote :D

Vote here, just click the link - BOM competition

Smokes and hugs to everyone
I love you all