Hello I am atrain aka doc. I am a relatively new grower myself. This is a tip for all brand new first or second timers. Over or under water can both be very problematic for your plants. Both can stunt or even kill your plants all together. In my practices I use a wet to dry cycle. I try to get my pots as dry as possible (with out wilting) to as wet as possible (once plant is established and without runoff) as many times as possible before harvest. And this can be a difficult thing to dial in. Even so some others choose different methods and still acheive equal results. So my tip is to pick up your pots. Feel the weight of your pot daily even hourly. Pic them up a few times to judge the weight. Then watch them and water when needed in your chosen method of growing. LEARN THE WEIGHT OF YOUR POTS WHEN YOUR PLANTS NEED WATER. When it becomes muscle memory your watering/ feed schedule will be much simpler. You will stop wondering if or when to water your plants as all strains and plants differ, and you will learn to water your plant at optimal times and optimal ammounts...... I have a major buzz going right now hope this makes sense and hope it helps someone as this lesson has helped me tremendously in my journey
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