Jul 16, 2016
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Whats going on guys? I'm new to growing autoflowers did a couple out-doors and yield was little to none. Anyways I've got a few gg4 beans from fast buds and I want to reach their full Potential. they will be started indoors and hardened off and left out side to finish . Questions. what pots do you guys recommend? feed scheduled how often to feed? and whats size pots and soil and or soil less mix do you guys recommend. thanks for the info .
Hello :D im sure some one will help but mostly its the same if u ask me :D
I suggest you do alot of reading up on this forum and elsewhere, research research research. All those questions are general questions with no magic answer. I will tell you whatever pot you plan to use just plant inside of that, autoflowers don't really like to be transplanted unless ur like an expert or some shit... other than that plant it and let nature take its course..
thanks for getting back with me ill keep you guys posted on how things turn out just put Narcotic Kush in germ from g.s.b
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Keep it simple, less is more.

3gallon pots, autos have small root balls and they don't live long... 3gallons is plenty.

You don't need a crazy amount of supplements and goofy bottles to grow nice plants.

Don't overfeed, if you are growing in a decent potting soil you probably won't have to feed at all through their short veg period, just be prepared to start feeding when they head into flower.

Less is more, don't go crazy on EC, I grow healthy plants to harvest at. 8 to 1.2EC.

1bottle...dynagro foliage pro. All the way to harvest. Enjoy.
growing in pro mix hp with cyco nutes just grow a and b and bloom a and b go half strength on the grow full on the bloom and my auto Bluetooth seeds from are doing fine ill post some pics soon.
Look at this little girl


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Do these look like they are going OK?


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Now with those plants I had the luxury of starting them indoors and harden them off to the out side. I just put my gorilla glue autos into germination is there any way I can just put these outside as soon as they pop without them fucking up?
My number 1 and most simple tip is ...

LESS IS MORE. You would rather under feed a plant nutrients than over feed them. Start at low dosages and build your way up and push the plant as it gets bigger.

Did you debranch the girls or something as they look like just a main colas with no branching