New Grower New grower. Need help


New grower
Feb 19, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
I recently joined this page yesterday in regards to all the good information about cannabis , I have been growing for about 2 months now and have a set up goin on right now. So I'm still new lol

Tent- 2x2x6

300w led galaxyhydro

1-3 gallon smartpots

Soil/Medium- fox farm coco loko

Nutrients- fox farm trio, bloom, grow big, tiger blood

Strain- gelato (5 pack)

Seedbank- seedsman

I have been working on this grow since dec 7th which was the first day of germanation it was in veg for about 7 weeks but I have had alot of hiccups. Now coming up on 4 weeks of flowering and have been dealing with yellowing of leafs majority of it's time it's been growing. Humidty stays around 30%-40% temp at 73-78 lights on 70-72 lights off. Its starting to perform nugs and has a really good smell to it. Looking for pointers for next grow even though this one is still kicking maybe I can figure out what's going on . It definitely should be alot bigger then what it is considering it's been growing for quite some time
. Ph for my water/ nutes is all in the 5.0- 6.0 range.

Few pictures posted below. Please aware ima new grower so take it easy on me haha


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Welcome to the forum! :welcome:

I'm not experienced being a new grower myself and others will probably chime in but my first thought is that you may have over watered. Or under watered.

I over watered mine at around week 7 and my leaves look like yours. There's a link in my signature to my grow at the bottom of this post if you want to look.
That could be it , I was more assuming maybe my ph in my soil is off as I cant figure out how to get it right. I will check out your link if I can find it. I dont think I have been over watering or under watering as the leafs are not drooping or wilting. Did a lil research on Google and seen that it could be nitrogen deficiency as why the leafs are yellow/lime green. Wouldnt it be the opposite if it were to much nutes dark leafs? Only goin by what I see.
Well since I'm growing in fox farm coco loko, isnt that considered a soilless medium? Or am I wrong, I def need to get some runoff to see what's the ph in the runoff. Any specific way to do so? I've been told just give more water then normal until you see some runoff , i recently bought the accurate 8 so waiting on that to come in so I can test the soil. My other meter is crap and doesnt read
That could be it , I was more assuming maybe my ph in my soil is off as I cant figure out how to get it right. I will check out your link if I can find it. I dont think I have been over watering or under watering as the leafs are not drooping or wilting. Did a lil research on Google and seen that it could be nitrogen deficiency as why the leafs are yellow/lime green. Wouldnt it be the opposite if it were to much nutes dark leafs? Only goin by what I see.

It could be your ph if you feel you haven't over watered but you should not have had a ph problem early in the grow, or a nitrogen problem. The soil should have buffered ph and provided N for a while. So, I don't know. :shrug:
It could be your ph if you feel you haven't over watered but you should not have had a ph problem early in the grow, or a nitrogen problem. The soil should have buffered ph and provided N for a while. So, I don't know. :shrug:

Yea I believe that I messed up the ph in the soil from the get go.. I dont know tbh is still living but I know these yellow leafs are not supossed to be like that and seems as it started from the bottom and rised up
Well since I'm growing in fox farm coco loko, isnt that considered a soilless medium? Or am I wrong, I def need to get some runoff to see what's the ph in the runoff. Any specific way to do so? I've been told just give more water then normal until you see some runoff , i recently bought the accurate 8 so waiting on that to come in so I can test the soil. My other meter is crap and doesnt read

It is soil less. My bad. I missed that and all my comments are useless and don't apply. I saw fox farms and jumped to soil. Sorry.
It is soil less. My bad. I missed that and all my comments are useless and don't apply. I saw fox farms and jumped to soil. Sorry.

It's okay no problem, just trying to get some pointers as to she is still living and kicking but something is definitely not right.