New Grower New grower, first grow 2x3

A nice little trick to help clear out gnats/pest, before you plant. Use Coco coir. Hydrate in water mixed with permethrin, mosquito bits, and a few caps of spinosads.
Mix Coco in soil reap those benefits
A nice little trick to help clear out gnats/pest, before you plant. Use Coco coir. Hydrate in water mixed with permethrin, mosquito bits, and a few caps of spinosads.
Mix Coco in soil reap those benefits

Thanks man! I really do want to pick up some of those misquito bites... the gnats really seem to be thinned out.. was thinking to myself yesterday how I hadn't seen one 8n the garden in a few days then I went messing in the coco to see how wet it still was and saw one crawling around in the dirt... guess they are not all gone but mostly... will definitely look for those bites next time I go out though
Yeah i seen them on amazon and googled about them and barely found any info....(how i found this thread)
im on the market for a LED i have a 600W MH/HPS at the moment....
if this doesnt cut it i might go for the Kingbrite, alot of good reviews from others at GC says that the kingbrite are even using real samsung LM301B/H
im on the market for a LED
Have you checked out Autocob lights? If not, you can see them at Great lights, no fans, so no noise, low heat throw, easy to move around. Draws only .49 of an amp. Just outstanding grow lights. I have 6. Member @BigSm0 builds them.
So we are on day 29/27. The love potion has been shooting pistols for 2 weeks, since day 15 and is doing well.. the lemon skunk and the northern lights x big bud starting on day 25 so 5 days ago. The lemon skunk is still stretching like crazy and nlxbb still stunted.. I was worried I had possibly over watered the girls (especially the nlxbb, and wondered if that's why it was stunted?)and noticed a pretty large increase in gnat flies a few days ago so I let the pots dry right out for about 4 or 5 days and covered the coco in dietamaious earth, yesterday I mixed up about 2.5 liters of solution and distributed it between the girls. This morning I noticed different deficiencies in all three girls, first the love potion seemed to have a slight nitrogen toxicity? Some of the newer leaf tips were clawed/hooked downwards and the edges of some were curling under also not sure if it's normal with this strain or not but the stems for some of the newer fan leaves have been turning a pinkish red or purple color.. second the lemon skunk has a couple leaves that is looking light between the viens with kind of light brownish edges/blotches and another leaf that looks like the edge on one side was burned off.. third is the northern lights big bud, on a couple of the older fan leaves they started getting a golden tinge between the viens on the leaves a week or so ago and has since turned more of an orange color in some spots or like a beige in the less affected areas... going to have to do some research and see if I can get these issues figured out... going to attrach a few pics of the lady's taken yesterday and a couple pics of the deficiencies taken today.. still uncertain of what kind of feeding schedule I should be sticking too and the more I read the more conflicted it get about letting it dry out or not.. any input would be greatly appreciated.. thanks folks


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Here we grow!!! Day 34 for the Love Potion and Northern Lights X Big Bud, Day 32 for the Lemon Skunk and Surprise Day 2 for Girl Scout Cookies( tried to have a sour diesel sprouted for the 1st of the month but after germination it ended up rotting in the pot so ended up going with GSC instead) seems the issues I was having last update turned out to be a pH issue in my medium.. even though my solution was around the 6.0 mark give or take a couple points in either direction after letting my soil dry out to try and rid some of my gnats I watered to run off and the ph of the water coming out was around 5.2.. anyways after the feeding I did a bit more defoliation and removed some of the damaged leaves.. haven't seen any more deterioration so far so I think were good.. the love potion seems to have stopped or atleast slowed the stretch and buds are definitely starting to get dense and there are plenty of them on this little girl, the lemon skunk is still stretching away and doesnt seem to be stopping, throwing white hairs at all the nodes but not starting to bunch up yet.. both these girls are drinking lots of water drying out in just a day or so, the nlxbb is having some issues.. idk whether it has root problems or maybe my medium is packed too tight but it just doesnt seem to drying out at all.. the plant is still tiny compared to the other two and the pot is only 2.6 gal compared to the other two in 3.6 gal pots.. last night I poked a pencil( full lenght) up through each of the drainage holes on the bottom of the pot to help it dry out better and raised the bottom of the planter off the tray with I fan blowing down on it to help out.. our new girl is a girl scout cookies fresh yesterday, not much room left in the space so I sprouted her in a small 5.7 ltr fabric pot..


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Day 42 - 6 weeks in for Love Potion and Northern Lights X Big Bud, Day 40 for Lemon Skunk & day 10 for Girl Scout Cookies
The love potion started have issues with small rust colored dots all over alot of the fan leaves, I defoliated most of the problem leaves and mixed my next batch of solution with half the dose I was using of MagNifiCal from 8ml down to 4ml.. on top of my regular dosing if 8ml of base nutrients and 8 ml of bloom nutrient.. still not sure if it has made a difference but dont think I'm noticing any more new spots on her however on the lemon skunk yesterday after the feeding of the same solution this girl instantly all the new leaves the edges starting curling down and under and the tips were curling under like crazy and the leaves have become super soft and weak.. leaves also started getting light brown or tan blotching all over like what was happening previously on the love potion but alot worse... so this morning I got rid of the dead and bad leaves on the lemon skunk and rinsed about 3 gallons of water through the pot and put her back.. the nlxbb is just trucking along it has stretched quite a bit in the last little bit and starting to flower, some of her older leaves are a bit dark and shiney while newer leaves are coming in light with a bit of purple that goes away as they mature.. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed the more and more I read about how all different deficiencies and toxicities show symptoms and cause different issues.. also my ph tester is kind of a pain in the ass.. takes forever to stabilize pretty much turns itself off before the reading stops creeping up or down. Dont have a ppm or ec meter slough I do want one and will probably place an order kn amazon to pick one of each up but probably wont get it for another week or two.. in the mean time I have got to try and figure out what is going on and adjust my feed schedual to remedy my issues... I plan on flushing the other two nlxbb and love potion and probably start mixing a separate feed for each plant since they are all showing different symptoms... anyways here are some updated pics of what's happening in the garden. First 3 are the sad sad looking lemon skunk.. this is actually perked up a bit since I flushed it this morning.. 4th pic is the whole garden last night. Next 2 are a couple pics of the buds forming on the love potion and the 2 after are the spots and tip burn on the love potion, kind of hard to see in the pic much more apparent to the naked eye finally the last 2 pics are the nlxbb and the girl scout cookies


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Week 8! Day 51 for our love potion and nlxbb, day 49 for the lemon skunk and day 19 for the gsc. I'll start off with the tragity that happen the other day I started bending the gsc over for some low stress training.. i have already manipulated the branches all to one side to make thing easier, initial bend goes as planned but when i went back to complete the bend later that night the main stock snapped right on top of the third node. Was still hanging by a hair so I did my best to get it in place to see if it would heal itself, yesterday morning I awoke to find the break on a 45° angle and starting to dry up so I decided to just RIP it off n let her go.. I do have three sets of branches streching out so she should be just fine.. next is the lemon skunk.. this girl is starting to flower now pretty good... little buds and tons of white hairs are poppin up everywhere on this monster( compared to the other two anyways lol ) she is over 3' tall now and still streching a bit every day.. I would ultimately like to move her outside to finnish her off mainly to free up some room for the nlxbb and love potion to finnish but the weather is crap still having days below zero and woke up this morning with snow on the ground again so probably not going to happen any time soon. Next up us the northern lights big bud, she is starting to flower as well with a few small buds starting to form and white hairs all over, she is still streching away and there is still some new growth with no or very little flower formation, this one has really turned around for me.. went to having a water logged pot that just didnt dry out and small deformed growth to shooting up and exploding with growth in no time. What I did was stuck a pencil up the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot full length in a few directions in each hole then did the same on the top of the pot to get some air to the soul and roots to help dry it out and now shes drinking and drying out like normal, this was pretty drastic and invasive but I knew if I didnt do anything drastic nothing was going to happen and it would have been bound for the trash. Glad this was the outcome over the latter.. and lastly but definitely not least our love potion is still trucking along maturing very nicely. Starting to see alot of hairs changing from white to orange, red, and some even pinkish in color but some even big buds only have white hairs. Buds are still swelling up and filling out.. this girl is pretty small but I think she has lots of bud packed on her cant wait to see what she produces..


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Day 56, last day of week 8 for the love potion and NLxBB, day 54 for lemon skunk and 24 for the GSC. And boy this little box is turning into a jungle..
Today is going to be the last day the love potion gets any nutrients, after today she will only get ph'd water until she gets chopped.. using my phones camera to view the trichoms isn't the best but from what I can tell they look mostly cloudy to me(do have a jewlers loupe on order).. i wanted to keep her alive longer but leaves are starting to yellow and I need the room..
Nlxbb is trucking along nicely with lots of tiny dense lil buds forming all over. Even noticed over night last night she put on quite a bit of trichomes, have seen a bit on her in the last couple days but definitely no where near the amount she had when I checked her this morning..
Lemon skunk is stacking up very nicely. I have been putting her outside for a few hrs a day to give the other plants in the space room and her some room to stretch her legs n get some light to the lower part of the plant.. last night I managed to move my light up a couple more inches and super cropped the three tallest branches..
I'll attach a pic from 10pm last night when I made the bends and one from 8 am this morning when the lights turned on. It amazes me these plants can bounce back that fast and be pointing 100% back up to the light..
Finally the GSC is moving along nicely. Still not shooting any pistols yet which is nice. The extra veg time will be nice since i accidentally broke her in half last week lol..
Anyways here are some pictures of the garden this week


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day 63/61/31.. last day of week 9 for nlxbb and love potion..
Love potion has been getting straight ph'd water since the beginning of this week. She still seems to be putting on lots of weight but I am struggling with super high humidity so she may come down a bit early to bring the humidity down.. I'm thinking I'll keep her going till thursday if I can, then I'll pull her out and get her in a dark closet or a big box for a couple days and maybe chip next sunday which will be day 70.. i would like to keep her going for longer but feel its safest to bring her down early to better control the environment for the rest of the plants..
Nlxbb is flowering along putting on some rather potent looking buds, still going to be a while for her... so much for the 6-8 weeks suggested by the seed bank! LoL
Lemon skunk is filling out beautifully but still hasn't stopped growing vertically. I have now super cropped probably 10 branches from growing into the light or top of the box.. also going be a little while for this girl but her smell is probably the nicest of the bunch.. cant wait to see what this lil monster yeilds!!
The girl scout Cookies is filling out but since I snapped the main stem and then another main branch a couple days later I have just been abusing her and making her stay super short and fill out.. still no pistols yet which is what I wanted.. plan with her is to get the canopy as even as possible with as many branches as possible before the preflowering stretch..


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