New Grower New grower - Amnesia Haze Auto & Royal Bluematic

Good luck with your grow! These guys around here are awesome and will help you through pretty much anything.
Did you soak your growing medium entirely before planting your germinated seeds? Or did you just water that small patch in the middle? I usually give my growing medium a proper good soaking a day before planting geminated seeds and I usually don't water for 5-7 days after its sprouted and after the medium is lacking moisture up to a couple of inches deep. Promotes root growth to let the growing medium dry a bit before watering. Also another tip is to water around the edge of your pot when its at a seedling stage to not disturb the seedling and its roots. That way the roots will go searching for the water around the edges which will promote root growth.
Unfortunately i did not, only that small patch. So what should i do now? Is it still okay for me to water around the edges?
Unfortunately i did not, only that small patch. So what should i do now? Is it still okay for me to water around the edges?
Yes should be fine to water the edges as long as you don't disturb the middle where the root mass is and should already contain moisture since its been watered already. You could also water the pot tray if its in trays and let the growing medium soak up the water from the bottom as well.

If you've got any wooden toothpicks/cocktail sticks at home they come in handy to check moisture levels. Just dip a toothpick a couple of inches into your growing medium away from the centre and pull it out. Works like a dipper on a car and it should show you up to where the moisture level is or if there's any moisture at all. Also just let the toothpick dry by a window and you can reuse it.
Yes should be fine to water the edges as long as you don't disturb the middle where the root mass is and should already contain moisture since its been watered already. You could also water the pot tray if its in trays and let the growing medium soak up the water from the bottom as well.

If you've got any wooden toothpicks/cocktail sticks at home they come in handy to check moisture levels. Just dip a toothpick a couple of inches into your growing medium away from the centre and pull it out. Works like a dipper on a car and it should show you up to where the moisture level is or if there's any moisture at all. Also just let the toothpick dry by a window and you can reuse it.
Got it! I love the idea of using toothpick to check moisture level. Will definitely do that. Thanks!
Day 5 since germinated. As you can see, both babies are growing really fast . Looking pretty good.

Amnesia Haze

Royal bluematic

Hey guys, having some issues right now. So i decided to add in my dual spectrum 400w hps light along with my 180w led. Babies were looking normal like my previous post 3 hours ago, and after i install the hps light, they looked different 3 hours later. Im not sure if they stretched or heat stress.




And as you can see the thermometer in the 3rd picture, it says 39.8C (it went up to 40.1) and RH31% with hps. Before when its only the LED it was 23-25C and RH55%. I keep all vents below opened, hang the hps light higher but not helping either.

Im using a 80 x 80 x 160cm tent, Ruck RK125L 5 inch EXTRACTOR FAN (350m3/h) and Rhino Filter 125x300

As for now both lights are off. Anybody have any solution or opinion for this?
I say turn off the HPS. You really don't need it at this stage. I'd get my RH up too.
I say turn off the HPS. You really don't need it at this stage. I'd get my RH up too.
Alright will do so. When do you reckon that i should use it? Because when i use the LED alone the seedling show some curving which i assume not enough light . Hopefully the weather will be colder when i start using the hps.
180 watts of LED is plenty for seedlings. 400w HPS is going to be super hot in a small closed tent unless the ambient temperature is downright frigid! they sell these tube looking things that attach to the light and go around the bulb that you hook vent hoses to that suck away the heat. i forget the name but you might want to look into it if you're dead set on using that light in a tent.