New grower, 4by4, phlizon2000w, Biobizz soil and nuts, 420fastbuds+Humboldt

Aug 22, 2020
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Hi green family,

Always with the KISS and having fun while doing it on my mind, I’m almost on the end of the project with the major decisions taken to go to the buying phase.

Will run on a 4by4 dark room from secret jardin with the phlizon cree cob 2000w, any previous or current phlizon users around?

For nuts,
will use the Biobizz line and start with a 1/3 to 1/2 of the recommended doses and pump up the qt along the way, but I’m still unsure when to start the feeding with the light mix soil.
was thinking on making that initial hard investment and get the full line like showed on nut chart to follow but do I really need all of them, anyone worked with this line with some inside tips?

for the soil, saw some reviews of their brand all mix soil being to hot for autos and Just some having some good results so will start with the light Mix and will add a small amount of coco and perlite (rinse them with water first to remove dust and salts). When flowering I will buy some guano to add, wormcastings is also something that I can add to the medium from start or just when flowering and I’m already suffering from that newbie feeling of given them more than they really need??

I’ve saw some videos and ways for the perpetual growth and it’s something I will definitely go for, will have this 1st run with autos and then with photos to decide witch will suit me the best. If in the end I have to buy another small tent for the seed/veg state so be it but If I could do it all in one tent with 2-3 coming in and out every 2months that would be perfect.

For the pots will go with the fabric ones, found a sweet deal for the ones of 20lt(~5gl), thinking on starting with 6 and not full up the pot all the way, will the tent have enough space for this amount?

Will go with a 5inch fan, Vents vks 125mm(365 m3/h - 214cfms) it will have a smal 45bend on the tube, and carbon filter from Koalair 360m3/h, I know that the filter should be 20% higher than the fan but I will have a remote and not running the vent full speed I think ever, so I should be good right?

and wanted to ask if this will indeed remove all the smells or just part of it? Cause I will be growing on my marquise, and will drill a hole for the exhaust on the wall to the outside so the outtake will not stay inside, have no neighbors at this level but with wind changes the out take could be blown to some neighbor window occasionally.
It’s open on one of the sides to the exterior and some protection on the edges so the side of the tent will not have direct sunlight ever, will diy a L shape protection that I can slide on the street side and do my gardening work without unintended eyes. But what kind of issues do you guys think I will face due to this conditions? In the future I will have the option to move then to an indoor space but for now this is the spot and for being so particular I dont have any feedback from my research.

ph meter and ppm as well to control feeding and run off.

went on a genetics research and it’s a world on its own, read awesome reviews of Mephisto and went to try and get them but the autos are all out of stock on the relatively close bank seeds, will start with Humboldt blue dream, 420fastbuds gorila glue and zkittles, what do you think and have you work with them in the past?

regarding co2, should I get an exhale bag from scratch or at all?

sorry for the barrage of questions but I’m getting this dialed in and think I’m gonna create a post/jornal when this start so I can get the maximum input from the community that has been awesome so far, so thanks for that green knowledge and keep it coming, open and thankful for any input.

Obrigado and grow on
Welcome to AFN...appears you've done a bit of research and you're in the right place for it. Lots of bio bizz light mix users here along with every other mix one can imagine. I use BBLM and BB nutes and have for years. Can't think of anything more simple. Kinda makes all other parameters important. I've grown autos and photos perpetually for 15 yrs, rotating 3 plants from a veg area to flower tent every 3 weeks.
I start feeding at about 3 weeks...I germ in solo cups and transfer to 2-3 ltr pots, then move to a flower tent. Personally, I use a moisture meter to trigger any water/feeding which is very conservative.
Genetics are important and you've got some good ones in mind.
I ph every time I feed/water but never ph run off. Should be fine if you control what's going in. Never grew in larger than 3 ltr so no idea about how much you have to water to get run off in a 5 gal pot. BBLM drains well but... Be Careful of overwatering.
I use inkbird/acinfinity fans and controls to keep temps in check. These controls were the best upgrade I ever made. Flower tent runs itself with only timely manual feeding.
Buy a well reviewed carbon filter.
All you need now is patience.
Welcome to AFN...appears you've done a bit of research and you're in the right place for it. Lots of bio bizz light mix users here along with every other mix one can imagine. I use BBLM and BB nutes and have for years. Can't think of anything more simple. Kinda makes all other parameters important. I've grown autos and photos perpetually for 15 yrs, rotating 3 plants from a veg area to flower tent every 3 weeks.
I start feeding at about 3 weeks...I germ in solo cups and transfer to 2-3 ltr pots, then move to a flower tent. Personally, I use a moisture meter to trigger any water/feeding which is very conservative.
Genetics are important and you've got some good ones in mind.
I ph every time I feed/water but never ph run off. Should be fine if you control what's going in. Never grew in larger than 3 ltr so no idea about how much you have to water to get run off in a 5 gal pot. BBLM drains well but... Be Careful of overwatering.
I use inkbird/acinfinity fans and controls to keep temps in check. These controls were the best upgrade I ever made. Flower tent runs itself with only timely manual feeding.
Buy a well reviewed carbon filter.
All you need now is patience.
Ty for the welcoming and for the knowledge.
that moisture meter could be a sweet addition, I’ve got a small background in bonsai so I’m kinda used to use the fingers and check if the soil need watering but This will definitely be more cleaner.
for the pots was thinking on having around 3/4 full, around the 4gl mark and after some research I think I’ll go with the seed directly in the pot technic, seen some experiences with mrgrowit and others, the 3most commons ones and they all seem to work, I germinated one from some weed I bought using just the paper towel method and she’s kicking but don’t know the sex and it’s just for fun, maybe half in the paper towel but will try the final pot germination with the rest.

will buy for now a remote for the %rh and ac and a timer for the lights, been crazy with the ac infinity 6inch cloud something ;) but its just a little to pricy for now but will have after this 1st harvest, so nice.
the carbon filter is also something that I just have a small qt of brands available and this with the aussy coal seems to be nice.

for the nuts do you run the all line like the Nute chart states?
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Hi green family,

Always with the KISS and having fun while doing it on my mind, I’m almost on the end of the project with the major decisions taken to go to the buying phase.

Will run on a 4by4 dark room from secret jardin with the phlizon cree cob 2000w, any previous or current phlizon users around?

For nuts,
will use the Biobizz line and start with a 1/3 to 1/2 of the recommended doses and pump up the qt along the way, but I’m still unsure when to start the feeding with the light mix soil.
was thinking on making that initial hard investment and get the full line like showed on nut chart to follow but do I really need all of them, anyone worked with this line with some inside tips?

for the soil, saw some reviews of their brand all mix soil being to hot for autos and Just some having some good results so will start with the light Mix and will add a small amount of coco and perlite (rinse them with water first to remove dust and salts). When flowering I will buy some guano to add, wormcastings is also something that I can add to the medium from start or just when flowering and I’m already suffering from that newbie feeling of given them more than they really need??

I’ve saw some videos and ways for the perpetual growth and it’s something I will definitely go for, will have this 1st run with autos and then with photos to decide witch will suit me the best. If in the end I have to buy another small tent for the seed/veg state so be it but If I could do it all in one tent with 2-3 coming in and out every 2months that would be perfect.

For the pots will go with the fabric ones, found a sweet deal for the ones of 20lt(~5gl), thinking on starting with 6 and not full up the pot all the way, will the tent have enough space for this amount?

Will go with a 5inch fan, Vents vks 125mm(365 m3/h - 214cfms) it will have a smal 45bend on the tube, and carbon filter from Koalair 360m3/h, I know that the filter should be 20% higher than the fan but I will have a remote and not running the vent full speed I think ever, so I should be good right?

and wanted to ask if this will indeed remove all the smells or just part of it? Cause I will be growing on my marquise, and will drill a hole for the exhaust on the wall to the outside so the outtake will not stay inside, have no neighbors at this level but with wind changes the out take could be blown to some neighbor window occasionally.
It’s open on one of the sides to the exterior and some protection on the edges so the side of the tent will not have direct sunlight ever, will diy a L shape protection that I can slide on the street side and do my gardening work without unintended eyes. But what kind of issues do you guys think I will face due to this conditions? In the future I will have the option to move then to an indoor space but for now this is the spot and for being so particular I dont have any feedback from my research.

ph meter and ppm as well to control feeding and run off.

went on a genetics research and it’s a world on its own, read awesome reviews of Mephisto and went to try and get them but the autos are all out of stock on the relatively close bank seeds, will start with Humboldt blue dream, 420fastbuds gorila glue and zkittles, what do you think and have you work with them in the past?

regarding co2, should I get an exhale bag from scratch or at all?

sorry for the barrage of questions but I’m getting this dialed in and think I’m gonna create a post/jornal when this start so I can get the maximum input from the community that has been awesome so far, so thanks for that green knowledge and keep it coming, open and thankful for any input.

Obrigado and grow on

female seedz (breeder) for the geneticz win! :yay: jus sayin & carry on plz...:smoking: ppp
Ty for the welcoming and for the knowledge.
that moisture meter could be a sweet addition, I’ve got a small background in bonsai so I’m kinda used to use the fingers and check if the soil need watering but This will definitely be more cleaner.
for the pots was thinking on having around 3/4 full, around the 4gl mark and after some research I think I’ll go with the seed directly in the pot technic, seen some experiences with mrgrowit and others, the 3most commons ones and they all seem to work, I germinated one from some weed I bought using just the paper towel method and she’s kicking but don’t know the sex and it’s just for fun, maybe half in the paper towel but will try the final pot germination with the rest.

will buy for now a remote for the %rh and ac and a timer for the lights, been crazy with the ac infinity 6inch cloud something ;) but its just a little to pricy for now but will have after this 1st harvest, so nice.
the carbon filter is also something that I just have a small qt of brands available and this with the aussy coal seems to be nice.

for the nuts do you run the all line like the Nute chart states?
I've grown bonzais for over 50 years...great trainer for weed! Patience is the least used tool and usually the last to be employed! I kinda follow my own feeding chart....probably lil more than 1/4 strength...I only use bio bloom, bio grow and fish mix...with only 6-8 weeks to feed after veg period, I sure don't use much. Experience will teach you how to recognize needs.
For years, I acquired genetics from a breeder in me through tough times.
Upgradeitis will kick in during your first grow.....
I've grown bonzais for over 50 years...great trainer for weed! Patience is the least used tool and usually the last to be employed! I kinda follow my own feeding chart....probably lil more than 1/4 strength...I only use bio bloom, bio grow and fish mix...with only 6-8 weeks to feed after veg period, I sure don't use much. Experience will teach you how to recognize needs.
For years, I acquired genetics from a breeder in me through tough times.
Upgradeitis will kick in during your first grow.....
Damn, 50 years of expertise, respect for that :worship:.

Will try to follow their chart with very small doses and having fun learning from it.
do you recommend worm castings in the medium from scratch?or the light mix will be enough?
also something that I still didn’t understood, for bonsais leaving the run off in the tray is a big NO NO but have seen a lot of growers that leave the run off there for the medium to absorve it, do I follow the same rule to prevent any root issues or do I leave it in?
nice to know the Portugal has been on your radar, we are still a bit underrated.
ty for the Knowledge and keep it coming.
stay strong
Damn, 50 years of expertise, respect for that :worship:.

Will try to follow their chart with very small doses and having fun learning from it.
do you recommend worm castings in the medium from scratch?or the light mix will be enough?
also something that I still didn’t understood, for bonsais leaving the run off in the tray is a big NO NO but have seen a lot of growers that leave the run off there for the medium to absorve it, do I follow the same rule to prevent any root issues or do I leave it in?
nice to know the Portugal has been on your radar, we are still a bit underrated.
ty for the Knowledge and keep it coming.
stay strong
Not sure about "expertise" but us old hippies did have some neat hobbies that went along with smokin' da herb while contemplating our next score of good weed. We never considered growing weed since we could buy it for $10-15 a lid!
Bonzais...the main thing I learned from growing them was patience. My problem was I liked the exotics and I never had someone who could tend them properly while I was sick or traveling so I stopped with bonzais and started growing weed. Can't trim weed like bonzais but ya can't smoke a bonzai. Was a peaceful, "watching paint dry" hobby but I liked it.
Personally, I've never amended BBLM with anything and always had consistent perpetual grows. I have gone through the bottom feeding phase but never let plants sit in run off. Since I only use bio bizz nutes, I never feed till runoff, nor do I specifically flush. With your larger pots, there may be better ways to figure all that.