So I'm starting a new grow. I accidently put my seeds in a paper towel and used tapped water instead of my purified water. It's been bout 6 hours and I'm at work. It they be safe if I remove them and use my purified water or should I throw them away and start over?
... unless your water is really bad, as in brutally hard, you'll be fine, don't throw them away-
... in fact, pure RO/Di water isn't recommended either, from what I've read and been told by breeders,.. some ppm in the water is preferable,.... more important is your temp', which should be mid 70's - low 80's for best results,... there are a few great how-to's right here, I think in the new growers section,.. Mephisto has one too in theirs,...
used to be very good, but their quality control has become a joke, very's the [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] problem soil I see in the Infirmary,.. usually it's way acidic, and poorly "cooked".... OF tends to be more problematic than Happy Frog, plus OF can be too hot for seedlings,... I realize it's too late for these ones now, so just keep this in mind next round,.. also, I strongly recommend getting an Accurate 8 soil pH probe, for direct in-pot measurement of soil pH.. absolutely critical to manage and monitor you pH of both inputs, and in-pot,.. a lot of influencing factors one in the pot, and if it's gets out of whack, things can go downhill fast!
Roots Oganics makes good soil, typically readily available,.. Royal Gold King's Mix is new, and I'm loving it for my grows so far,... If you go with Promix, Sunshine [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG], these are "soilless' mediums, not true soils,.. they have nearly nothing for nutes, so feeding must start in about a week,... coco, much more tricky, don't go there until you have more experience and do serious homewoek on coc, it's a great medium, but full of do's and don't's.....