Indoor :) new grow powerskunk,creamcaramel,syrup

hey guys pulling creamcaramel the trics are how i like
but syrup is the same but leaving for 2 more days starting to get red trics:peace:



cheers bro

wow syrup like doubled its thc overnight

Cant wait to hear a smoke repost on those 2! How much are you expecting?
thx guys

um like 15 gram+ for creamcaramel
syrup 13+

i got chronicryder germing and blueberry

if i had syrup in bigger better pot it wouldof been way bigger
i barely gave any nutes not bad aye
Very nice work Asi. It just get's sweeter with every pic. :thumbs:
Great job ASI i have a syrup along with diemos and white dwarf and haze autos going ur syrup looks great how long has it taking from seed im at day 28 from seed dont know what is what lol never labeled...OH well mystry is fun plus once there done ill know..GREAT JOB
Great job bro - I wanted to grow CC as soon as I saw the name - now adding Syrup to the wish list :drool:

I have no experience with growing cann but just a thought with the PowerSkunk probs. If as you say it was just a side project with crappy store soil and just some seasol that might be the prob - Ive found crappy potting oil is just that shit as - some of the stuff is more expensive but is a big difference in what it produces/grows - also I loooove the seasol on the garden but I have always thought of it/used it more as a tonice rather than a fert in itself - it helps the plants root growth and ake up of nutes but is not so much a feed in itself. as I say, abolutley no experience here with cann and Im loving seeing what yr doing with the lights yr using etc but perhaps powerskunk was just after something better to put its roots in and a bit more of a feed.

cheers bro - great journal - you have lotsa great posts with some excellent pics so keep em up bro :thumbs: