Indoor :) new grow powerskunk,creamcaramel,syrup

here my powerskunk,creamcaramel=pics 5and6 ,syrup pics=7and8
that powerskunk is slow as pissin me off need it out
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nice grow you should put the skunk out doors then, if you could. but then again it will probably go hermi.
hey guys heres powerskunk annoying slow growth i read on seedfinder its an outdoor auto im like wtf its been on 24/7 lights for a while im thinking of getting PS out of grow space and just giving 12/12 sun ?bad idea

syrup and creamcaramel are doing great :)

oh my soil is wormcastings/coirbrick 50/50
spring water all on 24/7 lights 165watt energysavers no nutes yet][/URL]
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24/7 lights for a while im thinking of getting PS out of grow space and just giving 12/12 sun ?bad idea

no... at least to trigger flowering... then you MIGHT be able to go back in 24/7.... but either way... sounds like it wasnt fully automatic... who bred this btw? or what seedbank from?

no... at least to trigger flowering... then you MIGHT be able to go back in 24/7.... but either way... sounds like it wasnt fully automatic... who bred this btw? or what seedbank from?


kannaba is the seeds bank it was a freebie
cheers peace
hey guys here they are powerskunk trying to finish
im not sure what is creamcaramel and syrup im starting to thik the bigger one is syrup
its the biggest auto i growin very fast

can i change light from 24/7 to 20/4 ?

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